Page 14 - Chapter 10 Registration
P. 14

Answer :- Section 25(1) of the CGST Act  stipulates the time-period within which   lakh as Punjab is not a Special Category State.
           registration needs to be obtained in various cases. It provides the following :   (i) Since Madhu Ltd. applied for registration within 30 days of becoming liable to
           a) a person who is liable to be registered under section 22 or section 24 needs to   registration, the effective date of registration is 25th August, 20XX.
              obtained registration within 30 days    from the date on which he  becomes liable   (ii) In this case, since Madhu Ltd. applies for registration after the expiry of 30

              to registration                                                                   days from the date of becoming liable to registration, the effective date of
           b) A casual taxable person or NRTP must obtain registration at least 5 days prior  to   registration is 5th October, 20XX.
              the commencement of its business
           c) As per section 24 of the CGST Act , person making inter-State taxable supply is   CCP
             liable  to  get  compulsorily  registered.  Therefore,  such  person  must  obtain   SAM Ltd. has two manufacturing units located in Maharashtra. One unit located

             registration  within  30  days   from  the  date  on  which  he  becomes  liable  to   in Nashik is engaged in manufacture of fabrics and another unit located in
             registration.                                                                Nagpur is engaged in manufacture of textiles. Can separate registration be
   CH 10                                                                                  granted for its two units though located in same state?
            CCP                                                               Answer:-
         Registration  (I) The aggregate turnover of Madhu Ltd., engaged in taxable supply of services  a state or a Union territory may be granted separate registration for each such place
           Determine the effective date of registration in the following instances:
                                                                                          [Section 25(2) read with rule 11] Any person having multiple place of business within

             in the state of Punjab, exceeded ` 20 lakh on 25th August, 20XX. It applies for  of business subject to the following conditions, namely
             registration on 19th September, 20XX and is granted registration certificate
                                                                                                   Such person has more than one place of business as defined in clause (85)
             on 29th September, 20XX.                                                         a.   of Section 2;
           (ii) What will be your answer, if in the above scenario, Madhu Ltd. submits the    b.   Such person shall not pay tax under section 10 for any of his place of
             application  for  registration  on  27th  September,  20XX  and  is  granted         business if he is paying tax under section 9 for any other place of business;

             registration on 5th October, 20XX?                                               c.   All separately registered places of business of such person shall pay tax
           Answer:- A supplier whose aggregate turnover in a financial year exceeds ` 20 lakh in   under the Act on supply of goods or services or both made to another
           a State/UT (`10 lakhs in 4 special catagory of states namely, States of  Manipur,      registered place of business of such person and issue a tax invoice or a bill of
           Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura)  is liable to apply for registration within 30 days from   supply, as the case may be, for such supply.
           the date of becoming liable to registration (i.e., the date of crossing the threshold  Therefore, if SAM Ltd., satisfies the above condition separate registration can be
           limit of ` 20 lakh/` 10 lakh).                                                 granted to him even though his two units are located in same state.

                  Where the application is submitted within the said period, the effective date
           of registration is the date on which the person becomes liable to registration;   CCP
           otherwise it is the date of grant of registration.                             LMN & Co, an unregistered supplier under GST wants to claim input credit and
                  In the given case, the applicable turnover limit for registration will be ` 20  collect tax. Can it do so?

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