Page 23 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
P. 23

Tax Expense                                           150
                          Profit for the period                                 951
                          Earnings Per Equity Share
                          Basic                                                 9.51
                          Diluted                                               9.51
                          Number  of  equity  shares  (face                  100 million
                          value of Rs. 10 each)

        Revised Notes (wherever applicable
        Note on Reserves and Surplus                                (INR in Million)

                                 Capital Reserve                                  500
                                 Surplus from P & L
                                 Opening Balance                              49
                                 Additions                                         951    1,000
                                 Total                                           1,500

        Note on Long Term Borrowings
                                 Term Loan from Bank                             5,000
                                 Total                                           5,000

        Note on Other Current Liabilities

                                 Unclaimed dividend                           3
                                 Interest on Term Loan                       555
                                 Billing in Advance                          147
                                 Total                                       705

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