Page 12 - 2. COMPILER QB - INDAS 12
P. 12

The Company has no other temporary differences other than those indicated above. The Company wants you

        to compute the deferred tax liability as on 31st March, 2017 and the charge/credit to the Statement of Profit
        and Loss and/or Other Comprehensive Income for the same. Consider the tax rate at 20%.


        (i)   MAT credit as on 31st December of Rs. 9.75 crores will be presented in the Balance Sheet as Deferred
              tax asset. DTA in the current year will be Rs. 1.25 crores (Rs. 9.75 crores – Rs. 8.50 crores).

                                         DTA Dr   1.25 crores
                                             To P&L             1.25 crores

        Note - when we have MAT credit available, it means that we have to pay a lower tax amount in future and
        hence, MAT will always be a DTA.

                                       a) Deferred tax for year ending 31-03-2016

         Sr. No.   Particulars                              Before revaluation         After revaluation

         A.        Carrying Value                           22 crores                  40 crores

         B.        Tax Base                                 22 crores                  22 crores

         C.        Taxable / (Deductible) difference (A-B)    nil                      18 crores

         D.        DTL / (DTA) (c x 20%)                     nil                       3.60 crores   DTL
                                                                                       (charged to OCI)

         E.        Journal Entry                             -                         OCI  Dr.   3.60 crores
                                                                                        To DTL   3.60 crores

        Therefore, Net DTL for the year = 3.6 crores

                                       b) Deferred tax for year ending 31-03-2017

        Sr. No.   Particulars                               Before revaluation         After revaluation

        A.       Carrying Value                             20 crores                  45 crores
                                                            (22 - 2 depreciation)

        B.       Tax Base                                   20.75 crores               20.75 crores
                                                            (22 - 1.25 depreciation)   (22 - 1.25 depreciation)

        C.       Taxable / (Deductible) difference (A-B)    (0.75 crores)              24.25 crores

        D.       DTL / (DTA) (c x 20%)                      (0.15 crores) DTA          5 crores   DTL
                                                            (charged to P&L)           (charged to OCI) *

        E.       Additional DTL / (DTA) for the year        (0.15 crores) DTA          1.40 crores   DTL

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