Page 11 - 2. COMPILER QB - INDAS 12
P. 11


        Q7 (MTP AUGUST 2018)

        QA Ltd. is in the process of computation of the deferred taxes as per applicable Ind AS. QA Ltd. had acquired
        40% shares in GK Ltd. for an aggregate amount of Rs. 45 crores. The shareholding gives QA Ltd. significant
        influence over GK Ltd. but not control and therefore the said interest in GK Ltd. is accounted for using the

        equity method. Under the equity method, the carrying value of investment in GK Ltd. was Rs. 70 crores on

        31st March, 2017 and Rs. 75 crores as on 31st March, 2018. As per the applicable tax laws, profits recognised
        under the equity method are taxed if and when they are distributed as dividend or the relevant investment is

        disposed of.
        QA  Ltd.  wants  you  to  compute  the  deferred  tax  liability  as  on  31st  March,  2018  and  the  charge  to  the
        Statement of Profit for the same. Consider the tax rate at 20%.


                          DTL created on accumulation of undistributed profits as on 31.3.2018

                              Carrying  Value as  Tax base  Taxable  Total Deferred  Charged to P&L during the
                               value   per tax          temporary  tax liability @          year
                                       records          differences    20%

                     a           B        c        d      E= b-d   F = e x 20%               g
               31st March 2017  70 crores  45 crores 45 crores  25 crores   5 crores      5 crores

              31st March 2018 75 crores  45 crores 45 crores  30 crores   6 crores   1 crore (6 crores – 5 crores

        Q8 (March 19 – 10 Marks)
        QA Ltd. is in the process of computation of the deferred taxes as per applicable Ind AS and wants guidance

        on the tax treatment for the following:
        (i) QA Ltd. does not have taxable income as per the applicable tax laws, but pays 'Minimum Alternate Tax’

            (MAT) based on its book profits. The tax paid under MAT can be carried forward for the next 10 years
            and as per the Company's projections submitted to its bankers, it is in a position to get credit for the

            same by the end of eighth year. The Company is recognising the MAT credit as a current asset under

            IGAAP. The amount of MAT credit as on 31st March, 2016 is Rs. 8.5 crores and as on 31st March, 2017 is
            Rs. 9.75 crores;
        (ii) The Company measures its head office property using the revaluation model. The property is revalued every

            year as on 31st March. On 31st March, 2016, the carrying value of the property (after revaluation) was Rs.

            40 crores whereas its tax base was Rs. 22 crores. During the year ended 31st March, 2017, the Company
            charged depreciation in its Statement of Profit and Loss of Rs. 2 crores and claimed a tax deduction for

            tax depreciation of Rs. 1.25 crores. On 31st March, 2017, the property was revalued to Rs.45 crores. As per
            the tax laws, the revaluation of Property, Plant & Equipment does not affect taxable income at the time

            of revaluation.

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