Page 19 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
P. 19

However, it is estimated that the roof will need to be replaced 20 years after the date of completion and

        that the cost of replacing the roof at current prices would be 25% of the total cost of the building.

        At the end of the 40 years period, Good Time Limited has a legally enforceable obligation to demolish the
        factory and restore the site to its original condition. The company estimates that the cost of demolition in

        40 years‖ time (based on price prevailing at that time) will be Rs3 crore. The annual risk adjusted discount
        rate which is appropriate to this project is 8%. The present value of Rs. 1 payable in 40 years‖ time at an

        annual discount rate of 8% is 0.046.
        The construction of the factory was partly financed. by a loan of Rs. 1.4 crore taken out on 1st April, 2017.

        The loan was at an annual rate of interest of 9%. During the period 1st April, 2017 to 30th September, 2017
        (when the loan proceeds had been fully utilized to finance the construction), Good Time Limited received

        investment income of Rs1,25,000 on the temporary investment of the proceeds.
        You are required to compute the cost of the factory and the carrying amount of the factory in the Balance

        Sheet of Good Time Limited as at 31st March, 2018.

                                          Computation of the cost of the factory
                                               Particulars                                    Rs
                  Purchase of land                                                         1,50,00,000

                  Preparation and leveling                                                  4,40,000
                  Materials                                                                92,00,000

                  Employment costs of construction workers (1,45,000 x 8 months)            11,60,000
                  Direct overhead costs (1,25,000 x 8 months)                               10,00,000
                  Allocated overhead costs                                                    Nil
                  Income from use of a factory as a store                                     Nil

                  Relocation costs                                                            Nil
                  Cost of the opening ceremony                                                Nil

                  Finance costs                                                             9,45,000
                  Investment income on temporary investment of the loan proceeds           (1,25,000)
                  Demolition cost recognised as a provision (3,00,00,000 x 0.046)        13,80,000

                  Total                                                                   2,90,00,000

                         Computation of carrying amount of the factory as at 31st March, 2018
                                                                                   Land (Non-        Factory
                                  Particulars                                      depreciable    (Depreciable

                                                                                     asset)          asset)
         Cost of the asset (Total cost 2,90,00,000)                                1,50,00,000      1,40,00,000
         Less: Depreciation

                On Land                                                                Nil

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