Page 9 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
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31.3.2X08  By Balance c/d                   13,75,000
                                               16,50,000                                               16,50,000
            1.4.2X08   To Balance b/d          13,75,000    1.4.2X08  By   Revaluation Reserve (W.N.4)   1,25,000
                                                           31.3.2X09  By   Profit  and Loss A/c (W.N.5)   81,250
                                                           31.3.2X09  By Depreciation (W.N.3)           1,46,094
                                                           31.3.2X09  By Balance c/d                   10,22,656
                                               13,75,000                                               13,75,000
            1.4.2X09   To Balance b/d          10,22,656   31.3.2X10  By Depreciation                   1,46,094

            31.3.2X10   To   Profit  and  Loss             31.3.2X10  By Bank A/c                       9,35,000
                       A/c (balancing figure)   58,438*
                                               10,81,094                                               10,81,094

        Working Notes:
        1.  Calculation of useful life of machinery on 1.4.2X01
            Depreciation charge in 5 years = (30,00,000 – 17,50,000) = Rs. 12,50,000
            Depreciation per year as per Straight Line method = 12,50,000 / 5 years = Rs. 2,50,000

            Remaining useful life = Rs. 17,50,000 / Rs.2,50,000 = 7 years
            Total useful life = 5 years + 7 years = 12 years
        2.  Depreciation after upward revaluation as on 31.3.2X06             Rs.
            Book value as on 1.4.2X06                                      17,50,000

            Add: 10% upward revaluation                                    1,75,000
            Revalued amount                                                19,25,000
            Remaining useful life 7 years (Refer W.N.1)
            Depreciation on revalued amount = 19,25,000 / 7 years = Rs. 2,75,000 lakhs

        3.  Depreciation after downward revaluation as on 31.3.2X08               Rs.

            Book value as on 1.4.2X08                                       13,75,000
            Less: 15% Downward revaluation                                  (2,06,250)
            Revalued amount                                                 11,68,750
            Revised useful life 8 years
            Depreciation on revalued amount = 11,68,750 / 8 years = Rs. 1,46,094

        4.  Amount transferred from revaluation reserve
            Revaluation reserve on 1.4.2X06  (A)                     Rs. 1,75,000
            Remaining useful life                                        7 years
            Amount transferred every year (1,75,000 / 7)             Rs. 25,000

            Amount transferred in 2 years (25,000 x 2) (B)           Rs. 50,000
            Balance of revaluation reserve on 1.4.2X08 (A-B)         Rs. 1,25,000

        5.  Amount of downward revaluation to be charged to Profit and Loss Account
            Downward revaluation as on 1.4.2X08 (W.N.3)           Rs. 2,06,250

            Less: Adjusted from Revaluation reserve (W.N.4)       (Rs. 1,25,000)
            Amount transferred to Profit and Loss Account         Rs. 81,250

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