Page 2 - 4. COMPILER QB - INDAS 38
P. 2

INDAS – 38

                                    INTANGIBLE ASSETS

                                          (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 8)


                               S.No.                 Particulars                  Page No.
                                 1                  RTP Questions                    4.1

                                2               Past Exam Questions                  4.7

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (RTP Nov. 18)

        In the year to March, 2018, ABC Ltd. spent considerable amounts on designing a new product. ABC Ltd. spent
        the six months from April, 2017 to September, 2017 researching the feasibility of the product. Mr. X charged
        these research costs to profit or loss. From October, 2017, .ABC Ltd was confident that the product would be
        commercially successful and A Ltd. is fully committed to finance its future development. ABC Ltd. spent the

        remaining  part  of  the  year  in  developing  the  product,  which  is  expected  to  start  selling  in  the  next  few
        months.  These  development  costs  have  been  recognised  as  intangible  assets  in  the  Balance  Sheet.  State
        whether the treatment done by Mr. X is correct when all these research and development costs are design
        costs Justify your answer with reference to relevant Ind AS.

        As per Ind AS 38 ‘Intangible Assets’, the treatment of expenditure on intangible items depends on how it
        arose. Internal expenditure on intangible items incurred during the research phase cannot be recognised as an
        asset.  Once  it  can  be  demonstrated  that  a  development  project  is  likely  to  be  technically  feasible,

        commercially viable, overall profitable and can be adequately resourced, then future expenditure on the project
        can be recognised as an intangible asset.
        The difference in the treatment of expenditure up to 30th September, 2017 and expenditure after that date is
        due to the recognition phase i.e. research or development phase. Since ABC Ltd is confident that the product

        will be commercially successful and is fully committed to finance its future development, the conditions at
        development stage seem to have met and hence the treatment is justified.

        Q2 (RTP Nov. 18 + MTP Oct 19)

        A Ltd. intends to open a new retail store in a new location in the next few weeks. It has spent a substantial
        sum on a series of television advertisements to promote this new store. It has paid for advertisements costing
        Rs.  8,00,000  before  31 March,  2018.  Rs.  7,00,000  of  this  sum  relates  to  advertisements  shown  before
        31 March, 2018 and Rs. 1,00,000 to advertisements shown in April, 2018. Since 31 March, 2018, A Ltd. has
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