Page 4 - 4. COMPILER QB - INDAS 38
P. 4

The  expenditure  incurred  prior  to  1  June  20X5  which  is  Rs  3,00,000  (2/12  x  Rs  18,00,000)  should  be
        recognised as an expense, retrospective recognition of expense as an asset is not allowed.
        Ind  AS  36  ‘Impairment  of  assets’  requires  an  intangible  asset  not  yet  available  for  use  to  be  tested  for

        impairment annually.
        Cash flow of Rs 12,00,000 in perpetuity would clearly have a present value in excess of Rs 12,00,000 and hence
        there  would  be  no  impairment.  However,  the  research  director  is  technically  qualified,  so  impairment  tests
        should be based on her estimate of a four-year remaining life and so present value of the future cost savings
        of Rs 9,60,000 should be considered in that case.

        Rs 9,60,000 is greater than the offer received (fair value less costs to sell) of Rs 7,80,000 and so Rs 9,60,000
        should be used as the recoverable amount.
        So, the carrying amount should be consequently reduced to Rs 9,60,000.
        Calculation of Impairment loss:
                                                 Particulars                        Amount Rs
                           Carrying amount (Restated)                                15,00,000
                           Less: Recoverable amount                                  9,60,000
                           Impairment loss                                           5,40,000

        Impairment loss of Rs 5,40,000 is to be recognised in the profit and loss for the year 20X5-20X6.
        Necessary adjusting entry to correct books of account will be:
                                                  Particulars                           Rs
                            Operating expenses- Development expenditure (P/L)    Dr.   3,00,000
                                     To Cash / Bank                                   3,00,000

                           Impairment Loss                                (P/L)     Dr.   5,40,000
                                 To Intangible assets – Development expenditure       5,40,000

        Q4 (Nov. 20)
        ABC Pvt. Ltd., recruited a player. As per the terms of the contract, the player is prohibited from playing for
        any other entity for the coming 5 years and has to be in employment with the company and cannot leave the

        entity without mutual agreement. The price the entity paid to acquire this right is derived from the skills and
        fame  of  the  said  player.  The  entity  uses  and  develops  the  player  through  participation  in  matches.  State
        whether the cost incurred to obtain the right regarding the player can be recognised as an intangible asset as
        per Ind AS 38?

        As per Ind AS 38, for an item to be recognised as an intangible asset, it must meet the definition of an
        intangible asset, i.e., identifiability, control over a resource and existence of future economic benefits and also
        recognition criteria.

        With regard to establishment of control, Ind AS 38 states that an entity controls an asset if the entity has
        the power to obtain the future economic benefits flowing from the underlying resource and to restrict the
        access of others to those benefits. The capacity of an entity to control the future economic benefits from an
        intangible asset would normally stem from legal rights that are enforceable in a court of law. In the absence

        of legal rights, it is more difficult to demonstrate control. However, legal enforceability of a right is not a
        necessary condition for control because an entity may be able to control the future economic benefits in some
        other way.
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