Page 6 - 4. COMPILER QB - INDAS 38
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benefits, yet the asset has been internally generated; therefore, the  Cloud9 brand cannot be recognised as
        intangible asset in the financial statements.
        In order to determine whether Headspace meets the aforesaid conditions, following provisions of Ind AS 38

        regarding ‘Separately acquired Intangible Assets’ should be analyzed.
        As per Ind AS 38, normally, the price an entity pays to acquire separately an intangible asset will reflect
        expectations about the probability that the expected future economic benefits embodied in the asset will flow
        to the entity. In other words, the entity expects there to be an inflow of economic benefits, even if there is
        uncertainty about the timing or the amount of the inflow. Therefore, the probability recognition criterion in

        paragraph 21(a) is always considered to be satisfied for separately acquired intangible assets. In addition, the
        cost of a separately acquired intangible asset can usually be measured reliably. This is particularly so when the
        purchase consideration is in the form of cash or other monetary assets.
        The Headspace game has been purchased for INR 10,00,000 and it is expected to generate future economic
        benefits  to  the  entity.  Since  Headspace  game  is  a  separately  acquired  asset  and  the  future  benefits  are

        expected  to  flow  to  the  entity,  therefore,  an  intangible  asset  should  be  recognised  in  respect  of  the
        ‘Headspace’ asset at its cost of INR 10,00,000. After initial recognition, either cost model or revaluation model
        can be used to measure headspace intangible assets as per guidance given Ind AS 38. In accordance with this,
        Headspace  intangible  asset  should  be  carried  at  its  cost/revalued  amount  (as  the  case  may  be)  less  any
        accumulated amortization and any accumulated impairment losses.

        Q6 (May. 20)

        X Ltd. purchased a franchise from a restaurant chain at a cost of Rs1,00,00,000 under a contract for a period of
        10 years. Can the franchise right be recognised as an intangible asset in the books of X Ltd. under Ind AS 38?

        Ind AS 38 ‘Intangible Assets’, defines asset and intangible asset as under:
        An asset is a resource:
        (a) Controlled by an entity as a result of past events; and
        (b) From which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.
        An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance.

        In  accordance  with  the  above,  for  considering  an  asset  as  an  intangible  asset,  an  entity  must  be  able  to
        demonstrate  that  the  item  satisfies  the  criteria  of  identifiability,  control  over  a  resource  and  existence  of
        future economic benefits.
        In  the  given  case,  the  franchise  right  meets  the  identifiability  criterion  as  it  is  arising  from  contract  to
        purchase the franchise right for 10 years. In addition, X Ltd. will have future economic benefits and control

        over them from the franchise rights. Accordingly, the franchise right meets the definition of intangible asset.
        The same can be recognised if the following recognition criteria laid down in para 21 of Ind AS 38 is met:
        An intangible asset shall be recognised if, and only if:
        (a) it is probable that the expected future economic benefits that are attributable to the asset will flow to the
           entity; and

        (b) the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.
        In  the  instant  case,  identifiability  criterion  is  fulfilled,  future  economic  benefits  from  franchise  rights  are
        expected to flow to the entity and cost can also be measured reliably, therefore, X Ltd. should recognise the
        franchise right as an intangible asset.
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