Page 7 - 4. COMPILER QB - INDAS 38
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        Q7 (May 19)

        CARP Ltd. is engaged in developing computer software. The expenditures incurred by CARP Ltd. in pursuance
        of its development of software is given below:

        (i)  Paid Rs. 1,50,000 towards salaries of the program designers.
        (ii)  Incurred Rs. 3,00,000 towards other costs of completion of program design.
        (iii) Incurred Rs.80,000 towards cost of coding and establishing technical feasibility.
        (iv)  Paid Rs. 3,00,000 for other direct costs after establishment of technical feasibility.
        (v)  Incurred Rs. 90,000 towards other testing costs.
        (vi)  A focus group of other software developers was invited to a conference for the introduction of this new

             software. Cost of the conference aggregated to Rs.60,000.
        (vii) On March 15, 2018, the development phase was completed and a cash flow budget was prepared.
        Net profit for the year 2017-18 was estimated to be equal Rs. 30,00,000.
        How should CARP Ltd. account for the above-mentioned cost as per relevant Ind AS?

        Costs incurred in creating computer software, should be charged to research & development expenses when
        incurred  until  technical  feasibility/asset  recognition  criteria  have  been  established  for  the  product.  Here,

        technical feasibility is established after completion of detailed program design.

         Particulars                   Expensed Out      Capitalized     Reason

         Program designers salary          1,50,000
                                                                            These costs belong to the research
         Program design cost               3,00,000

         Coding & Technical feasibility     80,000

         Other direct cost                                  3,00,000      Costs incurred after technical feasibility
                                                                                      is established
         Other Testing Costs                                 90,000

         Conference costs                   60,000                       normal business promotion expense

         Total                             5,90,000         3,90,000

        Q8 (Jan 21)

        Super Sounds Limited had the following transactions during the Financial Year 2019-2020.
        (i)  On 1st April 2019, Super Sound Limited purchased the net assets of Music Limited for Rs. 13,2000. The
             fair value of Music Limited’s identifiable net assets was Rs. 10,00,000. Super Sound Limited is of the view
             that due to the popularity of Music Limited’s product, the life of goodwill is 10 years.

        (ii)  On 4th May 2019, Super Sounds Limited purchased a Franchisee to organize musical shows from Armaan
             TV for Rs. 80,00,000 and at an annual fee of 2% of musical shows revenue. The Franchisee expires after
             5  years.  Musical  shows  revenue  was  Rs.10,00,000  for  financial  year  2019-2020.  The  projected  future
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