Page 5 - 4. COMPILER QB - INDAS 38
P. 5

Further, Ind AS 38 provides that an entity may have a team of skilled staff and may be able to identify
        incremental staff skills leading to future economic benefits from training. The entity may also expect that the
        staff  will  continue  to  make  their  skills  available  to  the  entity.  However,  an  entity  usually  has  insufficient

        control over the expected future economic benefits arising from a team of skilled staff and from training for
        these  items  to  meet  the  definition  of  an  intangible  asset.  For  a  similar  reason,  specific  management  or
        technical talent is unlikely to meet the definition of an intangible asset, unless it is protected by legal rights
        to use it and to obtain the future economic benefits expected from it, and it also meets the other parts of
        the definition.

        Since  the  right  in  the  instant  case  is  contractual,  identifiability  criterion  is  satisfied.  Based  on  the  facts
        provided in the given case, the player is prohibited from playing in other teams by the terms of the contract
        which legally binds the player to stay with ABC Ltd for 5 years.
        Accordingly, in the given case, the company would be able to demonstrate control. Future economic benefits
        are expected to arise from use of the player in matches.  Further, the cost of obtaining rights is also reliably

        measurable. Hence, it can recognise the costs incurred to obtain the right regarding the player as an intangible
        asset. However, careful assessment of relevant facts and circumstances of each case is required to be made.

        Q5 (May. 20)

        PQR Ltd. is a gaming developer company. Few years back, it developed a new game called 'Cloud9'. This game
        sold  over  10,00,000  copies  around  the  world  and  was  extremely  profitable.  Due  to  its  popularity,  PQR  Ltd.
        released a new game in the ‘Cloud9’ series every year. The games continue to be the bestseller. Based on
        Management’s expectations, estimates of cash flow projections for the ‘cloud9 videogame series’ over the next
        five years have been prepared. Based on these projections, PQR Ltd. believes that cloud9 series brand should
        be recognised at INR 20,00,000 in its financial statement. PQR Ltd. has also paid INR 10,00,000 to MNC Ltd.

        to acquire rights of another video game series called the ‘Headspace’ video game series. The said series have
        huge demand in the market.
        Discuss the accounting treatment of the above in the financial statements of PQR Ltd.

        In order to determine the accounting treatment of ‘cloud9 videogame series’ and ‘Headspace’, definition of
        asset and intangible asset given in Ind AS 38 may be noted:
        “An asset is a resource:

        (a) controlled by an entity as a result of past events; and
        (b) from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.”
        “An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance.”
        In accordance with the above, for recognising an intangible asset, an entity must be able to demonstrate that
        the item satisfies the criteria of identifiability, control and existence of future economic benefits.

        In order to determine whether ‘cloud9 video game series’ meet the aforesaid conditions, following provisions of
        Ind AS 38 regarding Internally Generated Intangible Assets may be noted:
        As per Ind AS 38, internally generated brands, mastheads, publishing titles, customer lists and items similar in
        substance  should  not  be  recognised  as  intangible  assets.  Expenditure  on  such  items  cannot  be  distinguished
        from the cost of developing the business as a whole. Therefore, such items are not recognised as intangible

        Accordingly,  though  the  cash  flow  projections  suggest  that  the  cloud9  brand  will  lead  to  future  economic
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