Page 3 - 4. COMPILER QB - INDAS 38
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paid for further advertisements costing Rs. 4,00,000. The accountant charged all these costs as expenses in
        the year to 31 March 2018. However, CFO of A Ltd. does not want to charge Rs. 12,00,000 against 2017-2018
        profits. He believes that these costs can be carried forward as intangible assets because the company’s market

        research indicates that this new store is likely to be highly successful.
        Examine and justify the treatment of these costs of Rs. 12,00,000 in the financial statements for the year
        ended 31 March, 2018 as per Ind AS.

        ●  Ind AS 38 specifically prohibits recognising advertising expenditure as an intangible asset. Irrespective of
            success  probability  in  future,  such  expenses  have  to  be  recognized  in  profit  or  loss.  Therefore,  the
            treatment given by the accountant is correct since such costs should be recognised as expenses.

        ●  However, the costs should be recognised on an accrual basis.
               Therefore, of the advertisements paid for before 31st March, 2018, Rs. 7,00,000 would be recognised as
               an expense and Rs. 1,00,000 as a prepayment in the year ended 31st March 2018.
               Rs. 4,00,000 cost of advertisements paid for since 31st March, 2018 would be charged as expenses in
               the year ended 31st March, 2019.

        Q3 (RTP Nov. 18)
        One of the senior engineers at XYZ has been working on a process to improve manufacturing efficiency and,
        consequently, reduce manufacturing costs. This is a major project and has the full support of XYZʼs board of
        directors. The senior engineer believes that the cost reductions will exceed the project costs within twenty-four

        months of their implementation. Regulatory testing and health and safety approval was obtained on 1 June
        20X5. This removed uncertainties concerning the project, which was finally completed on 20 April 20X6. Costs
        of Rs 18,00,000, incurred during the year till 31st March 20X6, have been recognized as an intangible asset.
        An offer of Rs 7,80,000 for the newly developed technology has been received by potential buyers but it has
        been  rejected  by  XYZ.  The  Senior  engineer  believes  that  the  project  will  be  a  major  success  and  has  the

        potential to save the company Rs 12,00,000 in perpetuity. Director of research at XYZ, Neha, who is a qualified
        electronic engineer, is seriously concerned about the long-term prospects of the new process and she is of the
        opinion that competitors would have developed new technology at some time which would require replacing the
        new process within four years. She estimates that the present value of future cost savings will be Rs 9,60,000
        over  this  period.  After  that,  she  thinks  that  there  is  no  certainty  about  its  future.  What  would  be  the

        appropriate accounting treatment of the aforesaid issue?

        Ind AS 38 ‘Intangible Assets’ requires an intangible asset to be recognised if, and only if, certain criteria are
        met. Regulatory approval on 1 June 20X5 was the last criterion to be met, the other criteria have been met as
         ●  Intention to complete the asset is apparent as it is a major project with full support from board
         ●  Finance is available as resources are focused on project
         ●  Costs can be reliably measured

         ●  Benefits are expected to exceed costs – (in 2 years)
        Amount of  Rs  15,00,000 (Rs  18,00,000  x  10/12)  should  be  capitalised  in the  Balance  sheet  of  year  ending
        20X5-20X6 representing expenditure since 1 June 20X5.

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