Page 9 - 4. COMPILER QB - INDAS 38
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Goodwill*    -      3,20,000    3,20,000      -         -           -         -      3,20,000
             Franchise**   -      80,00,000   80,00,000     -      16,00,000   16,00,000    -      64,00,000
             Copyright            2,50,000    2,50,000              25,000     25,000       -      2,25,000
               Total       -      85,70,000   85,70,000     -      16,25,000   16,25,000    -      69,45,000
        *As per Ind AS 36, irrespective of whether there is any indication of impairment, an entity shall test goodwill
        acquired  in  a  business  combination  for  impairment  annually.  This  implies  that  goodwill  is  not  amortised

        annually but is subject to annual impairment, if any.
        **As per the information in the question, the limiting factor in the contract for the use is time i.e., 5 years
        and not the fixed total amount of revenue to be generated. Therefore, an amortisation method that is based
        on  the  revenue  generated  by  an  activity  that  includes  the  use  of  an  intangible  asset  is  inappropriate  and
        amortisation based on time can only be applied.
           2.        Amortization expenses
                     Franchise (W.N.2)                                  16,00,000
           3.        Copyright (W.N.3)                                   25,000             16,25,000

                      Other expenses
                      Legal cost on copyright                           7,00,000
                      Fee for Franchise (10,00,000 x 2%)                 20,000              7,20,000

        Working Notes:
                      P  Particulars                                                                      Rs.
                   (1) Goodwill on acquisition of business
                      Cash paid for acquiring the business                                  13,20,000
                      Less: Fair value of net assets acquired                              (10,00,000)
                      Goodwill                                                              3,20,000

                   (2) Franchise                                                            80,00,000
                      Less: Amortisation (over 5 years)                                    (16,00,000)
                      Balance to be shown in the balance sheet                             64,00,000

                   (3) Copyright                                                            2,50,000
                       Less: Amortisation (over 10 years as per SLM)                        (25,000)
                       Balance to be shown in the balance sheet                             2,25,000

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