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revenues for financial year 2020-2021 is Rs. 25,00,000 and Rs. 30,00,000 p.a. for the remaining 3 years
        (iii) On 4th July 2019, Super Sounds Limited was granted a Copyright that had been applied for by Music

             Limited. During the financial year 2019-2020, Super Sound Limited incurred Rs. 2,50,000 on legal cost to
             register the Patent and Rs. 7,00,000 additional cost to successfully prosecute a copyright infringement suit
             against a competitor.
        The life of the copyright is for 10 years.
        Super Sound Limited follows an accounting policy to amortize all intangible on SLM (Straight Line Method)

        basis  or  any  appropriate  basis  over  a  maximum  period  permitted  by  relevant  Ind  AS,  taking  a  full  year
        amortization in the year of acquisition.
        You are required to prepare:
        (i) A Schedule showing the intangible section in Super Sound Limited Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2020,

        (ii) A Schedule showing the related expenses that would appear in the Statement of Profit and Loss of Super
            Sound Limited for the year ended 2019-2020.

                                                   Super Sounds Limited
                        Balance Sheet (Extract relating to intangible asset) as at 31st March 2020
                                                                          Note No.           Rs.
                  (1)     Non- current asset
                          Intangible assets                                  1            69,45,000

                                                  Super Sounds Limited
                                         Statement of Profit and Loss (Extract)
                                           for the year ended 31st March 2020
                                                                             Note No.        Rs.
                Revenue from Operations                                                    10,00,000
                                                    Total Revenue                          10,00,000

                Amortization expenses                                            2         16,25,000
                Other expenses                                                   3         7,20,000
                                                          Total Expenses                  23,45,000

        Notes to Accounts (Extract)

        1.  Intangible Assets
                                Gross Block (Cost)           Accumulated amortisation          Net block
                        Opening   Additions    Closing   Opening   Additions   Closing   Opening    Closing
                        Balance               balance    Balance               balance   Balance   balance
                          Rs.        Rs.        Rs.        Rs.       Rs.         Rs.       Rs.       Rs.

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