Page 10 - 8. COMPILER QB - INDAS 41
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       Q7 (ICAI MODULE)
        Entity A purchased cattle at an auction on 30th June 20X1

                       Purchase price at 30th June 20X1                               Rs 1,00,000
                       Costs of transporting the cattle back to the entity’s farm      Rs 1,000
                       Sales price of the cattle at 31st March, 20X2                  Rs 1,10,000
        The company would have to incur similar transportation costs if it were to sell the cattle at auction, in
        addition to an auctioneer’s fee of 2% of sales price. The auctioneer charges 2% of the  selling price, from
        both, the buyer as well as the seller.

        Calculate the amount at which cattle is to be recognised in books on initial recognition and at year end 31st
        March, 20X2.

        Initial recognition of cattle

                         Fair value less costs to sell (Rs 1,00,000 – Rs 1,000 - Rs 2,000)   97,000
                         Cash outflow (Rs 1,00,000 + Rs 1,000 + Rs 2,000)              1,03,000
                         Loss on initial recognition                                    6,000
                         Cattle Measurement at year end
                         Fair value less costs to sell (Rs 1,10,000 – 1,000 – (2% x 1,10,000))   1,06,800

        At 31st March, 20X2, the cattle is measured at fair value of Rs 1,09,000 less the estimated auctioneer’s fee
        of  Rs  2,200).  The  estimated  transportation  costs  of  getting  the  cattle  to  the  auction  of  Rs  1,000  are
        deducted from the sales price in determining fair value.

       Q8 (ICAI MODULE)

        XY Ltd. is a farming entity where cows are milked on a daily basis. Milk is kept in cold storage immediately
        after milking and sold to retail distributors on a weekly basis. On 1 April 20X1, XY Ltd. had a herd of 500

        cows which were all three years old.

        During the year, some of the cows became sick and on 30 September 20X1, 20 cows died. On 1 October 20X1,
        XY Ltd. purchased 20 replacement cows from the market for ` 21,000 each. These 20 cows were all one year
        old when they were purchased.

        On  31  March  20X2,  XY  Ltd.  had  1,000  litres  of  milk  in  cold  storage  which  had  not  been  sold  to  retail
        distributors.  The  market  price  of  milk  at  31  March  20X2  was  `  20  per  litre.  When  selling  the  milk  to
        distributors, XY Ltd. incurs selling costs of ` 1 per litre. These amounts did not change during March 20X2
        and are not expected to change during April 20X2.

       Information relating to fair value and costs to sell is given below:

                           Date              Fair value of a dairy cow (aged)   Costs to sell a cow

                                             1 year   1.5 years  3 years   4 years

                           1 st  April 20X1   20,000   22,000   27,000   25,000            1,000
                                                                                                              8. 9
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14