Page 11 - 8. COMPILER QB - INDAS 41
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1 st  October 20X1   21,000   23,000   28,000   26,000          1,000

                           31 st  March 20X2   21,500   23,500   29,000   26,500           1,100
        You can assume that fair value of a 3.5 years old cow on 1st October 20X1 is ` 27,000.
        Pass necessary journal entries of above transactions with respect to cows in the financial statements of XY

        Ltd. for the year ended 31st March, 20X2? Also show the amount lying in inventory if any.

                                     Journal  Entries  on 1 st  October,  20X1

                                                                                            (All figures in `)
                Loss (on death of 20 cows) (Refer W.N.)              Dr.   5,20,000

                    To  Biological  asset                                             5,20,000
                (Loss booked on death of 20 cows)
                Biological  Asset  (purchase  of  20  new  cows)  (Refer  W.N.)   Dr.   4,00,000

                Loss on initial recognition (of 20 new cows)         Dr.    20,000
                    To Bank                                                           4,20,000
                (Initial recognition of 20 new purchased cows at fair value less costs to

                                              Journal  Entries  on  31 st  March,  20X2

                Loss  on  remeasurement  of  old  cows                  Dr.   2,88,000
                   To  Biological  asset                                               2,88,000
                        [(1,30,00,000  –  5,20,000)  –  1,21,92,000]
                (Subsequent measurement of cows at fair value less costs to sell)
                Biological  Asset  (4,48,000  –  4,00,000)              Dr.    48,000
                    To  Gain  on  remeasurement  of  new  cows                          48,000
                (Subsequent measurement of cows at fair value less costs to sell)

              Inventory (Milk) as at 31 st  March, 20X2 = ` 19,000 [1,000 x (20 – 1)]
              Working  Note:

              Calculation  of  Biological  asset  at  various  dates

                     Date              Number     Age Fair Value (`)   Cost to Sell  Net (`) Biological asset (`)

                     1 st  April 20X1     500  3 years      27,000       1,000  26,000      1,30,00,000
                     1 st  October 20X1   (20)  3.5 years   27,000       1,000  26,000      (5,20,000)

                     1 st  October 20X1    20    1 year     21,000       1,000  20,000         4,00,000

                     31 st  March 20X2    480  4 years     26,500         1,100  25,400     1,21,92,000
                                           20  1.5 years   23,500         1,100  22,400       4,48,000

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