Page 12 - 8. COMPILER QB - INDAS 41
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        Company  X  purchased  100  goats  at  an  auction  for  `  1,00,000  on  30  September  20X1.  Subsequent
        transportation costs were ` 1,000 that is similar to the cost X would have to incur to sell the goat at the
        auction. Additionally, there would be a 2% selling fee on the market price of the goat to be incurred by the

        On  31  March  20X2,  the  market  value  of  the  goat  in  the  most  relevant  market  increases  to  `  1,10,000.
        Transportation  costs  of  `  1,000  would  have to  be  incurred  by  the  seller  to get the  goat  to  the  relevant
        market. An auctioneer’s fee of 2% on the market price of the goat would be payable by the seller.
        On 1 June 20X2, X sold 18 goats for  ` 20,000 and incurred transportation charges of ` 150. In addition,
        there was a 2% auctioneer’s fee on the market price of the goat paid by the seller.

        On 15 September 20X2, the fair value of the remaining goat was`82,820. 42 goats were slaughtered on
        that day, with a total slaughter cost of ` 4,200. The total market price of the carcasses on that day was `
        48,300, and the expected transportation cost to sell the carcasses is ` 420. No other costs are expected.
        On  30  September  20X2,  the  market  price  of  the  remaining  40  goat  was  `  44,800.  The  expected
        transportation cost is ` 400. Also, there would be a 2% auctioneer’s fee on the market price of the goat
        payable by the seller.

        Pass  Journal  entries  so  as  to  provide  the  initial  and  subsequent  measurement  for  all  above  transactions.
        Interim reporting periods are of 30 September and 31 March and the company determines the fair values on
        these dates for reporting.


               Value of goat at initial recognition (30 September 20X1)   (All figures are in `)

                Biological  asset  (goat)                             Dr.   97,000*

                Loss  on  initial  recognition                        Dr.     4,000
                     To  Bank  (Purchase  and  cost  of  transportation)             1,01,000
                (Initial  recognition  of  goat  at  fair value  less  costs  to  sell)

              *Fair value of goat = 1,00,000 – 1,000 – 2,000 (2% of 1,00,000) = 97,000

              Subsequent  measurement at  31  March  20X2                 (All figures are in `)

                Biological  Assets  (Goat)                                   Dr.  9,800
                    To Gain on Sale (Profit & Loss)                                     9,800

                (Subsequent  measurement  of  Goat  at  fair  value  less  costs  to  sell (1,06,800** –

              ** Fair value of goat = 1,10,0000 – 1,000 – 2,200 (2% of 1,10,000) = 1,06,800

              Sale of goat on 1 June 20X2                                 (All figures are in `)

                Biological  Assets  (Goats)                           Dr.      226
                                                                                                              8. 11
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14