Page 9 - 8. COMPILER QB - INDAS 41
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                     Milk                                      WN 5                      96,000
        Working Notes:

        1.  Land: The purchase of the land is not covered by Ind AS 41. The relevant standard which would apply
            to this transaction is Ind AS 16. Under this standard, the land would initially be recorded at cost and
            depreciated  over  its  useful  economic  life,  which  is  usually  considered  to  be  infinite.  Hence,  no
            depreciation would be appropriate. Under Cost Model, no recognition would be made for post-acquisition
            changes in the value of land.
        2.  Dairy Cows: Under the ‘fair value model’ laid down in Ind AS 41 the mature cows would be recognised

            in the Balance Sheet at 31st March, 2021 at the fair value of 200 x Rs. 11,000 = Rs. 22,00,000.
        Increase in price change 200 x (10,500 - 10,000) = 1,00,000
        Increase in physical change 200 x (11,000 – 10,500) = 1,00,000
        The  total  difference  between  the  fair  value  of  matured  herd  and  its  initial  cost  (Rs.  22,00,000  –  Rs.

        20,00,000  =  a  gain  of  Rs.  2,00,000)  would  be  recognised  in  the  profit  and  loss  along  with  the
        maintenance cost and breeding fee of Rs. 8,50,000 and
        Rs. 4,60,000 respectively.
        3.  Grant: Grant relating to agricultural activity is not subject to the normal requirement of Ind AS 20.
            Under  Ind  AS  41  such  grants  are  credited  to  income  as  soon  as  they  are  unconditionally  receivable
            rather than being recognised over the useful economic life of the herd. Therefore, Rs. 10,00,000 would

            be credited to income of the company.
        4.  Calves: They are a biological asset and the fair value model is applied. The breeding fee is charged to
            income and an asset of 120 x Rs. 2,800 = Rs. 3,36,000 recognised in the Balance sheet and credited
            to Profit and loss.

        5.  Milk: This is agricultural produce and initially recognised on the same basis as biological assets. Thus,
            the milk would be valued at 3,200 x Rs. 30 = Rs. 96,000. This is regarded as ‘cost’ for the future
            application of Ind AS 2 to the unsold milk.

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