Page 58 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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Statement of changes in Equity:
        5. Equity share Capital

                                 Balance at the       Changes in Equity    Balance at the
                                 beginning of the    share capital during    end of the
                                 reporting period         the year         reporting period
                                    1,00,00,000              0                1,00,00,000

        6. Other Equity
                                                                   Reserves & Surplus            Total
                                                            Capital      Other      Retained
                                                            Reserve     reserves    Earnings
               Balance at the beginning                                 48,00,000      0        48,00,000
               Profit or loss for the year (W.N.4)                         0        14,14,000   14,44,000
               Other comprehensive income for the year                     0           0           0
               Total comprehensive income for the year                     0        14,14,000   14,14,000
               Dividends                                                   0           0           0
               Gain  on  Bargain  purchase  on  acquisition  of  a      37,70,000   37,70,000
               subsidiary* (W.N.5)
               Balance at the end of reporting period      37,70,000   48,00,000    14,14,000   99,84,000

        * It is assumed that there exists no clear evidence for classifying the acquisition of the subsidiary as a bargain
        purchase and, hence, the bargain purchase gain has been recognised directly in capital reserve. If, however,
        there  exists  such  a  clear  evidence,  the  bargain  purchase  gain  would  be  recognised  in  other  comprehensive
        income and then accumulated in capital reserve. In both the cases, closing balance of capital reserve will be
        Rs 37,70,000.

        Working Notes:
         1.  Adjustments of Fair Value- Total Appreciation
                               Plant & Machinery (W.N.7)                   11,50,000
                               Land and Building                           20,00,000
                               Inventories                                 3,00,000
                               Less: Trade Payables                       (2,00,000)
         2.  Pre-acquisition reserves of Sub Ltd.

                             Other Reserves on 1.4.2017                          20,00,000
                             Retained earnings Balance on 1.4.2017                6,00,000
                             Retained earnings balance as on 31.3.2018           16,40,000
                             Less: Retained earnings balance as on 1.4.2017      (6,00,000)
                             Add back: Dividend                                   4,00,000
                             Profit for the year 2017-2018                       14,40,000
                             Profit for 6 months (14,40,000 x 6/12)               7,20,000
                             Share of Hold Ltd.                                  33,20,000

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