Page 59 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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There will be no Non-controlling Interest as 100% shares of Sub Ltd. are held by Hold Ltd.
         3.  Post-acquisition profits of Sub Ltd.                 Rs
                         Profit  for  6  months  from  1.10.2017  to  31.3.2018  (14,40,000  x   7,20,000

                         Less:  Additional  depreciation  on  account  of  revaluation  of  Plant   (50,000)
                         and  Machinery  for  6  months  [(40,00,000  x  10%  x  6/12)  –
                         (30,00,000 x 10% x 6/12)]
                         Adjusted post-acquisition profit attributable to Hold Ltd.    6,70,000
         4.  Consolidated profit or loss for the year      Rs
                          Hold Ltd.
                          Retained earnings on 31.3.2018                            11,44,000
                          Less: Retained earnings as on 1.4.2017                      (0)
                          Profits for the year 2017-2018                            11,44,000
                          Less: Elimination of intra-group dividend                (4,00,000)
                          Adjusted profit for the year                              7,44,000
                          Sub Ltd.
                          Adjusted profit attributable to Hold Ltd. (W.N.3)         6,70,000
                          Consolidated profit or loss for the year                  14,14,000
         5.  Goodwill/Gain on bargain purchase                           Rs
                        Amount paid for 40,000 shares of Sub Ltd.                  68,00,000
                        Less: Share of Hold Ltd. in pre-acquisition equity
                        of Sub Ltd.                                   40,00,000
                        Share capital                                 33,20,000
                        Pre-acquisition reserves of Sub Ltd. (W.N.2)
                        Fair value adjustments (W.N.1)                32,50,000    (1,05,70,000)
                        Gain on Bargain Purchase                                   37,70,000
         6.  Value of Plant & Machinery                                         Rs
                       Hold Ltd.                                                         48,00,000

                       Sub Ltd. Book value as on 31.3.2018 27,00,000
                       Book value as on 1.4.2017 (27,00,000/90%)            30,00,000
                       Less: Depreciation @ 10% for 6 months               (1,50,000)
                       Add: Appreciation on 1.10.2017                       11,50,000
                       (Balancing fig. i.e., 40,00,000 – 28,50,000)
                       Revalued amount (given)                              40,00,000
                       Less: Depreciation on Rs 40,00,000 @ 10% for 6 months    (2,00,000)   38,00,000

         7.  Consolidated retained earnings
                                                                    Hold Ltd.    Sub Ltd.       Total
                  As given                                           11,44,000   16,40,000    27,84,000
                  Consolidation Adjustments:
                  (i) Elimination of pre-acquisition element [6,00,000 +   0    (13,20,000)   (13,20,000)
                  (ii) Elimination of intra-group dividend          (4,00,000)    4,00,000       0
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