Page 56 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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        Q23. (May 18 – 15 Marks) (Similar to Q20 & Q21)

        Hold  Limited  acquired  100%  ordinary  shares  of Rs  100  each of  Sub  Limited  on  1st  October,  2017.  On  31st
        March, 2018 the summarized Balance Sheets of the two companies were as given below:
                                      Particulars                      Hold Limited      Sub Limited
                                                                           (Rs)             (Rs)
                    I.   Assets
                   (1) Non-current Assets
                   (i)     Property, Plant & Equipment                   30,00,000        36,00,000
                   (a) Land & Building                                   48,00,000         27,00,000
                   (b) Plant & machinery
                   (ii) Investment in Sub Limited                        68,00,000

                   (2) Current Assets                                    24,00,000         7,28,000
                   (i) Inventory                                         11,96,000         8,00,000
                   (ii) Financial Assets                                 2,90,000          1,60,000
                   (a) Trade Receivables
                   (b) Cash & Cash Equivalents

                   Total                                                1,84,86,000       79,88,000
                    II   Equity and Liabilities
                   (1) Equity                                           1,00,00,000        40,00,000
                   (i) Equity Share Capital (Shares of Rs 100 each fully
                   (ii) Other Equity                                     48,00,000         20,00,000
                   (a) Other Reserves                                    11,44,000         16,40,000
                   (b) Retained Earnings
                   (2) Current Liabilities                               16,00,000            -
                   Financial Liabilities                                 9,42,000          3,48,000
                   (a) Bank Overdraft
                   (b) Trade Payable
                   Total                                                1,84,86,000       79,88,000
        The retained earnings of Sub Limited showed a credit balance of Rs 6,00,000 on 1st April, 2017 out of which a
        dividend of 10% was paid on 1st November 2017. Hold Limited has credited the dividend received to retained
        earnings account. There was no fresh addition to other reserves in case of both companies during the current
        financial year. There was no opening balance in the retained earnings in the books of Hold Limited.

        Following are the changes in fair value as per respective Ind AS from the book value as on 1st October, 2017 in
        the books of Sub Limited which is to be considered while consolidating the Balance Sheets.
        (i)  Fair value of Plant and Machinery was Rs 40,00,000. (Rate of depreciation on Plant and Machinery is 10%
        (ii)  Land and Building appreciated by Rs 20,00,000.

        (iii) Inventories increased by Rs 3,00,000.
        (iv) Trade payable increased by Rs 2,00,000.
        Prepare Consolidated Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2018. The Balance Sheet should comply with the
        relevant lnd AS and Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013.
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