Page 60 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
P. 60

(iii) Impact of fair value adjustments                0        (50,000)     (50,000)
                  Adjusted retained earnings consolidated            7,44,000    6,70,000     14,14,000

        Note: The above solution has been drawn by making following assumptions, at required places:

        (i)  Hold Ltd. measures the investment in Sub Ltd. at cost (less impairment, if any) in its separate financial
              statements as permitted in Ind AS 27, Separate Financial Statements.
        (ii)  Increase in land and buildings represents only land element.
        (iii)  Depreciation on plant and machinery is on WDV method.
        (iv)  Fair value adjusted trade payables continue to exist on 31.3.2018.
        (v)  Inventories  are  valued  at  cost,  being  lower  than  NRV  and  that  application  of  cost  formula  for  the

              purposes of consolidated financial statements results in entire fair value adjustment to be included in
              the carrying amount of inventories of Sub Ltd. on 31.3.2018.

        Q24. (May 18 – 10 Marks) (Similar to Q22)
        Notorola Limited has two divisions A and B. Division A has been making constant profits while Division B has
        been invariably suffering losses.
        On 31st March 2018, the division-wise draft extract of the Balance Sheet was as follows:

                                                                                                    (Rs in crore)
                                                                    A            B            Total
                  Fixed Assets Cost                                500          1000          1500
                  Depreciation                                    (450)        (800)         (1250)
                  Net Fixed Assets (A)                             50           200           250
                  Current Assets                                   400          1000          1400
                  Less: Current Liabilities                       (50)         (800)         (850)
                  Net Current Assets (B)                           350          200           550
                  Total (A) + (B)                                  400          400           800
                  Financed by :
                  Loan Funds                                        -           600           600

                  Capital : Equity Rs 10 each                      50            -             50
                  Surplus                                          350         (200)           150
                  Total                                            400          400           800
        Division B along with its assets and liabilities was sold for Rs 50 crore to Senovo Limited a new company,
        who allotted 2 crore equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 15 per share to the members of Notorola
        Limited in full settlement of the consideration, in proportion to their shareholding in the company. One of the
        members of the Notorola Limited was holding 52% shares of the company.
        Assuming that, there are no other transactions, you are required to:

        (i) Pass journal entries in the books of Notorola Limited.
        (ii) Prepare the Balance Sheet of Notorola Limited after the entries in (i).
        (iii)   Prepare the Balance Sheet of Senovo Limited.
        Balance Sheet prepared for (ii) and (iii) above should comply with the relevant Ind AS and Schedule III of
        the Companies Act, 2013. Provide Notes to Accounts, for 'Other Equity' in case of (ii) and 'Share Capital' in

        case of (iii), only.

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