Page 57 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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        Consolidated Balance Sheet of Hold Ltd. and its subsidiary, Sub Ltd.  as on 31st March, 2018
                                       Particulars              Note No.            Rs
                            I. Assets
                            (1) Non-current assets
                            Property, Plant & Equipment             1            1,72,00,000
                            (2) Current Assets
                            Inventories                             2            34,28,000
                            Financial Assets
                            Trade Receivables                       3            19,96,000
                            Cash & Cash equivalents                 4             4,50,000
                            Total Assets                                        2,30,74,000

                            II. Equity and Liabilities
                            (1) Equity
                            Equity Share Capital                    5            1,00,00,000
                            Other Equity                            6            99,84,000
                            (2) Current Liabilities
                            Financial Liabilities
                            Short term borrowings                   7            16,00,000
                            Trade Payables                          8            14,90,000
                            Total Equity & Liabilities                          2,30,74,000
        It may be noted that the consolidation adjustments in respect of tax effect, in particular, deferred tax effect
        of  temporary  differences  associated  with  fair  value  adjustments,  determined  in  accordance  with  Ind  AS  12

        ―Income Taxes‖, will affect the above consolidated balance sheet.

        Notes to accounts
                           1.    Property Plant & Equipment
                           Land & Building                           86,00,000
                           Plant & Machinery                         86,00,000     1,72,00,000
                           2.    Inventories
                           Hold Ltd.                                 24,00,000
                           Sub Ltd.                                  10,28,000     34,28,000
                           3.    Trade Receivables
                           Hold Ltd.                                 11,96,000

                           Sub Ltd.                                  8,00,000       19,96,000
                           4.    Cash & Cash equivalents
                           Hold Ltd.                                 2,90,000
                           Sub Ltd.                                  1,60,000       4,50,000
                           7.    Short-term borrowings
                           Bank overdraft of Hold Ltd.               16,00,000
                           8.    Trade Payables
                           Hold Ltd.                                 9,42,000
                           Sub Ltd.                                  5,48,000       14,90,000

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