Page 66 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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acquisition date)                          (200+62.5) (262.5)    (160+57.5) (217.5)
                   Capital Reserve                                   52.5                  41.5
                   Total Capital Reserve (52.5 + 41.5)

        4.  Calculation of Non-Controlling Interest
                                                                   Nisha Ltd.          Sandhya Ltd.
                  At Fair Value (See Note 3)                          40                   64
                  Add: Post Acquisition Reserves (See Note 1)     (5× 20%) 1           (5 × 40%) 2
                  Add:  Post  Acquisition  Retained  Earnings  (See   (7.5 × 20%) 1.5   (6.5 × 40%) 2.6
                  Note 1)
                  Less: NCI share of investment in Sandhya Ltd.*    (140x20%) (28)*

                                                                      14.5                 68.6

                  Total (14.5 + 68.6)                                            83.1
        *Note: The Non-controlling interest in Nisha Ltd. will take its proportion in Sandhya Ltd. So they have to bear
        their proportion in the investment made by Nisha Ltd. (as a whole) in Sandhya Ltd.

        5.  Calculation of Consolidated Other Equity
                                                                   Reserves         Retained Earnings
                   Usha Ltd.                                         90                    80
                   Add: Share in Nisha Ltd.                      (5 x 80%) 4         (7.5 × 80%) 6
                   Add: Share in Sandhya Ltd.                    (5 ×60%) 3          (6.5 ×60%) 3.9
                                                                     97                   89.9
        Note: In the above solution, it is assumed date the sale of goods by Sandhya Ltd. is done after acquisition of
        shares by Nisha Ltd. Alternatively, one may assume that the sale has either been done before acquisition of

        shares by Nisha Ltd. in Sandhya Ltd. or sale has been throughout the year. Accordingly, there treatment for
        unrealized gain may vary.

        Q26. (Nov. 18 – 4 Marks)

        Moon  Ltd.  acquired  75%  of  Star  Limited  on  1st  April,  2017  for  consideration  transferred  Rs60  lakh.  Moon
        Limited  intends  to  recognize  the  Non-Controlling  Interest  (NCI)  at  proportionate  share  of  fair  value  of
        identifiable assets. With the assistance of a suitably qualified valuation professional, Moon Limited measures
        the identifiable net assets of Star Limited at Rs. 90 lakh. Moon Limited performs a review and determines
        that the business combination did not include any transactions that should be accounted for separately from
        the business combination.

        State whether the procedures  followed by Moon Limited and the resulting measurements are appropriate or
        not. Also calculate the bargain purchase gain in the process.

        The amount of Star Ltd.‖s identifiable net assets exceeds the fair value of the consideration transferred plus
        the fair value of the NCI in Star Ltd.‖s, resulting in an initial indication of a gain on a bargain purchase.
        Accordingly,  Moon  Ltd.  reviews  the  procedures  it  used  to  identify  and  measure  the  identifiable  net  assets
                                                                                                    16. 65
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71