Page 67 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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acquired,  to  measure  the  fair  value  of  both  the  NCI  and  the  consideration  transferred,  and  to  identify
        transactions that were not part of the business combination.
        Following that review, Moon Ltd. can conclude that the procedures followed and the resulting measurements

        were appropriate.
                                 Identifiable net assets                   90,00,000
                                 Less: Consideration transferred          (60,00,000)
                                 NCI (90,00,000 x 25%)                    (22,50,000)
                                 Gain on bargain purchase                  7,50,000

        Q27. (Exam Nov. 19 – 16 Marks & MTP April 21 – 16 Marks) – (Similar to Q16)

        The Balance Sheet of David Ltd. and Parker Ltd. as of 31 March, 2019 is given below:  (Rs in lakh)
                      Assets                                                David Ltd.  Parker Ltd.
                      Non-current assets:
                      Property, plant and equipment                            400         600
                      Investment                                               300         200
                      Current assets:
                      Inventories                                              300          100
                      Financial assets
                      Trade receivables                                        400         200
                      Cash and cash equivalents                                 150        200
                      Others                                                   300         300
                      Total                                                    1,850       1,600
                      Equity and Liabilities
                      Share capital - Equity shares of Rs 100 each for Parker Ltd.
                      & Rs 10 each for David Limited                           500          400
                      Other Equity                                             700         275
                      Non-current liabilities:
                      Long term borrowings                                     200         300
                      Long term provisions                                      100         80
                      Deferred tax                                              20          55
                      Current liabilities:
                      Short term borrowings                                     130         170
                      Trade payables                                           200         320
                      Total                                                    1,850       1,600

        Other Information:

        (i)  David Ltd. acquired 70% shares of Parker Ltd. on 1 April, 2019·by issuing its own shares in the ratio of 1
             share of David Ltd. for every 2 shares of Parker Ltd. The fair value of the shares of David Ltd. was Rs
             50 per share.
        (ii)  The fair value exercise resulted in the following :

              (1)  Fair value of property, plant and equipment (PPE) on 1 April, 2019 was Rs 450 lakh.
              (2)  David Ltd. agreed to pay an additional payment as consideration that is higher of Rs 30 lakh and

                  25% of any excess profits in the first year after acquisition, over its profits in the preceding 12
                  months  made  by  Parker  Ltd.  This  additional  amount  will  be  due  after  3  years.  Parker  Ltd.  has
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