Page 70 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
P. 70

Less: Financial Liabilities
                  Long term borrowings                            (300)       (300)           -
                  Long term provisions                            (80)        (80)            -
                  Deferred tax                                    (55)        (55)            -
                  Financial Liabilities
                  Short term borrowings                           (170)       (170)           -
                  Trade payables                                  (320)      (320)            -
                  Contingent liability                              -         (10)          (10)

                  Net assets (X)                                   675         515          (160)
                  Deferred tax asset on fair value adjustment (160 x
                  40%) (Y)                                                     64            160
                  Net assets (X+Y)                                             579
                  Non-controlling  interest  (NCI)  (579  x  30%)
                  rounded off                                                 173.70
                  Capital reserve
                  (Net assets – NCI – PC)                                    308.49
                  Purchase consideration (PC)                                 96.81

            3.  Computation of Consolidated amounts of consolidated financial statements
                                                     David     Parker Ltd.       PPA       Total
                                                      Ltd.  (pre- acquisition)  Allocation
                       Non-current assets:
                       Property, plant & equipment    400         600            (150)      850
                       Investment                     300         200                       500
                       Current assets:

                       Inventories                    300          100                      400
                       Financial assets:

                       Trade receivables              400         200                       600

                       Cash and cash equivalents      150         200                       350

                       Others                         300         300                       600
                       Total                         1,850        1,600          (150)      3300
                       Equity and Liabilities
                       Share capital- Equity shares of Rs  500
                       100 each
                       Shares  allotted  to  Parker  Ltd.
                       (2,00,000  x  70%  x  Rs  10  per                          14        514
                       Other Equity
                       Other Equity                   700                                   700
                       Replacement award                                          3          3
                      Security premium (2,00,000 shares
                       x 70% x Rs 40)                                             56         56
                       Capital reserve                                          308.49     308.49

                                                                                                    16. 69
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75