Page 71 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
P. 71

Non-controlling interest        0                        173.70     173.70
                       Non-current liabilities:
                       Financial Liabilities
                       Long term borrowings           200         300                       500
                       Long term provisions           100          80            23.81     203.81
                       Deferred tax                   20           55            (64)        11
                       Current liabilities:
                       Financial Liabilities

                       Short term borrowings          130          170                      300
                       Trade payable                  200         320              0        520
                       Liability for lawsuit damages                              10         10
                       Total                         1,850        925            525       3,300

        Q28. (Nov. 19 – 8 Marks) – (Similar to Q5) (IndAS 38 & IndAS 103)

        MNC Ltd. is in process of setting up a medicine manufacturing business which is at very initial stage. For this

        purpose, MNC Ltd. as part of its business expansion strategy acquired on 1 April, 2019, 100% shares of Akash
        Ltd., a company that manufactures pharmacy products. The purchase consideration for the same was by way
        of a share exchange valued at Rs 38 crore. The fair value of Akash Ltd.‖s assets and liabilities were Rs68

        crore and Rs 50 crore respectively, but the same does not include the following:
        (i)  A patent owned by Akash Ltd. for an established successful new drug that has a remaining life of 6
             years. A consultant has estimated the value of this patent to be Rs 8 crore. However, the outcome of
             clinical trails for the same are awaited. If the trails are successful, the value of the drug would fetch the
             estimated Rs 12 crore.
        (ii)  Akash Ltd. has developed and patented another new drug which has been approved for clinical use. The

             cost of developing the drug was Rs 13 crore. Based on early assessment of its sales success, a reputed
             valuer has estimated its market value at Rs 19 crore. However, there is no active market for the patent.
        (iii) Akash Ltd.‖s manufacturing facilities have received a favourable inspection by a government department.
             As a result of this, the company has been granted an exclusive five-year license on 1  April, 2018 to

             manufacture and distribute a new vaccine. Although the license has no direct cost to the Company, its
             directors believe that obtaining the license is valuable asset which assures guaranteed sales and the cost
             to acquire the license is estimated at Rs 7 crore of remaining period of life. It is expected to generate at
             least equivalent revenue.

        Suggest the accounting treatment of the above transactions with reasoning under applicable Ind AS in the
        books of MNC Ltd.

        As per para 13 of Ind AS 103 ―Business Combination‖, the acquirer's application of the recognition principle and
        conditions may result in recognising some assets and liabilities that the acquiree had not previously recognised
        as assets and liabilities in its financial statements. This may be the case when the asset is developed by the
        entity internally and charged the related costs to expense.

        Based  on  the  above,  the  company  can  recognise  following  Intangible  assets  while  determining  Goodwill  /
        Bargain Purchase for the transaction:
        (i)  Patent  owned  by  Akash  Ltd.:  The  patent  owned  will  be  recognised  at  fair  value  by  MNC  Ltd.  even
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