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earned Rs 20 lakh profit in the preceding year and expects to earn another Rs 10 lakh.
              (3)  In addition to above, David Ltd. also has agreed to pay one of the founder shareholder-Director a
                  payment of Rs 25 lakh provided he stays with the Company for two years after the acquisition.

              (4)  Parker  Ltd.  had  certain  equity  settled  share-based  payment  award  (original  award)  which  got
                  replaced by the new awards issued by David Ltd. As per the original term, the vesting period was 4
                  years and as of the acquisition date the employees of Parker Ltd. have already served 2 years of
                  service. As per the replaced awards, the vesting period has been reduced to one year (one year from
                  the acquisition date). The fair value of the award on the acquisition date was as follows:

                  Original award - Rs 6 lakh Replacement award - Rs 9 lakh
              (5)  Parker  Ltd.  had  a  lawsuit  pending  with  a  customer  who  had  made  a  claim  of  Rs  35  lakh.
                  Management reliably estimated the fair value of the liability to be Rs 10 lakh.
              (6)  The applicable tax rate for both entities is 40%.

        You are required to prepare opening consolidated balance sheet of David Ltd. as on 1 April, 2019 along with
        workings. Assume discount rate of 8%.

                  Consolidated Balance Sheet of David Ltd as on 1 April, 2019              (Rs in lakh)
                                Non-current assets:
                                Property, plant and equipment                    850.00
                                Investment                                       500.00
                                Current assets:
                                Inventories                                      400.00
                                Financial assets:
                                Trade receivables                                600.00
                                Cash and cash equivalents                        350.00
                                Others                                           600.00
                                Total                                           3,300.00
                                Equity and Liabilities

                                Share capital - Equity shares of Rs 100 each     514.00
                                Other Equity                                    1,067.49
                                Non-controlling Interest                         173.70
                                Non-current liabilities:
                                Financial liabilities:
                                Long term borrowings                             500.00
                                Long term provisions (100+80+23.81)              203.81
                                Deferred tax                                      11.00
                                Current liabilities:
                                Financial liabilities:
                                Short term borrowings                            300.00
                                Trade payables                                   520.00
                                Provision for law suit damages                    10.00
                                Total                                           3,300.00
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