Page 7 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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        Ind  AS  103,  inter  alia,  provides  that  the  consideration  transferred  in  a  business  combination  should  be
        measured at fair value, which should be calculated as the sum of (a) the acquisition-date fair values of the
        assets transferred by the acquirer, (b) the liabilities incurred by the acquirer to former owners of the acquiree
        and (c) the equity interests issued by the acquirer.

        Further, Ind AS 103 provides that the consideration the acquirer transfers in exchange for the acquiree includes
        any asset or liability resulting from a contingent consideration arrangement. The acquirer shall recognize the
        acquisition-date fair value of contingent consideration as part of the consideration transferred in exchange for
        the acquiree.
        With  respect  to  contingent  consideration,  obligations  of  an  acquirer  under  contingent  consideration

        arrangements are classified as equity or a liability in accordance with Ind AS 32 or other applicable Ind AS,
        i.e., for the rare case of non-financial contingent consideration. The Ind AS provides that the acquirer shall
        classify an obligation to pay contingent consideration that meets the definition of a financial instrument as a
        financial liability or as equity on the basis of the definitions of an equity instrument and a financial liability
        in Ind AS 32, Financial Instruments: Presentation. The acquirer shall classify as an asset a right to the return
        of previously transferred consideration if specified conditions are met. Ind AS 103 provides guidance on the

        subsequent accounting for contingent consideration.
        (i)  In the given case the amount of purchase consideration to be recognized on initial recognition shall be as
                   In case of equity classification-

                           Fair value of shares issued (10,00,000 x Rs. 20)     Rs. 2,00,00,000
                           Fair value of contingent consideration               Rs. 25,00,000
                           Total purchase consideration                        Rs. 2,25,00,000
        Subsequent measurement of contingent consideration payable for business combination

        In general, an equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity
        after deducting all of its liabilities. Ind AS 32 describes an equity instrument as one that meets both of the
        following conditions:
        (a) There  is  no  contractual  obligation  to  deliver  cash  or  another  financial  asset  to  another  party,  or  to

            exchange  financial  assets  or  financial  liabilities  with  another  party  under  potentially  unfavourable
            conditions (for the issuer of the instrument).
        (b) If the instrument will or may be settled in the issuer's own equity instruments, then it is:
             (i)  a  non-derivative  that  comprises  an  obligation  for  the  issuer  to  deliver  a  fixed  number  of  its own

                 equity instruments; or
             (ii) a  derivative  that  will  be  settled  only  by  the  issuer  exchanging  a  fixed  amount  of  cash  or  other
                 financial assets for a fixed number of its own equity instruments.
        In the given case, given that the acquirer has an obligation to issue a fixed number of shares on fulfilment of
        the contingency, the contingent consideration will be classified as equity as per the requirements of Ind AS

        As per Ind AS 103, contingent consideration classified as equity should not be re-measured and its subsequent
        settlement should be accounted for within equity.

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