Page 10 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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(a) Inventories
                         (b) Financial assets                       20.0              20.0
                         - Trade receivables
                         - Cash held in functional                  20.0              20.0
                         Currency                                    4.0               4.5
                         (c) Other current assets
                         Non-current asset held for sale             4.0               4.5
                         TOTAL ASSETS                               208
                         EQUITY AND LIABILITIES:

                         (a) Share capital (face value Rs.100)      12.0              50.4
                         (b) Other equity                           141.0         Not applicable
                         Non-current liabilities
                         (a) Financial liabilities
                         - Borrowings                               20.0              20.0
                         Current liabilities
                         (a) Financial liabilities
                         - Trade payables                           28.0              28.0
                         (b) Provision for warranties                3.0               3.0
                         (c) Current tax liabilities                 4.0               4.0
                         TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES              208.0

        Following is the statement of contingent liabilities of S Ltd. as on 1stJanuary, 20X7:
                        Particulars         Fair value (Rs. in crore)              Remarks
                Lawsuit  filed  by  a  customer       0.5           It  is  not  probable  that  an  outflow  of
                for a claim of                                      resources embodying economic benefits will
                Rs. 2 crore                                         be required to settle the claim.
                                                                    Any  amount  which  would  be  paid  in
                                                                    respect of lawsuit will be tax deductible.
                Income  tax  demand  of  Rs.  7      2.0            It  is  not  probable  that  an  outflow  of
                crore raised by tax authorities;                    resources embodying economic benefits will
                S  Ltd.  has  challenged  the                       be required to settle the claim.
                demand in the court.

        In relation to the above-mentioned contingent liabilities, S Ltd. has given an indemnification undertaking to H
        Ltd. up to a maximum of Rs. 1crore.

        Rs. 1 crore represents the acquisition date fair value of the indemnification undertaking.
        Any amount which would be received in respect of the above undertaking shall not be taxable.
        The tax bases of the assets and liabilities of S Ltd. is equal to their respective carrying values being recognised
        in its Balance Sheet.
        Carrying value of non-current asset held for sale of Rs. 4 crore represents its fair value less cost to sell in
        accordance with the relevant Ind AS.

        In consideration of the additional stake purchased by H Ltd. on 1stJanuary, 20X7, it has issued to the selling
        shareholders of S Ltd. 1 equity share of H Ltd. for every 2 shares held in S Ltd. Fair value of equity shares of
        H Ltd. as on 1st January, 20X7 is Rs. 10,000 per share.
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