Page 12 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.  Hence
            H Ltd. will recognize contingent liability of Rs. 2.5cr.
            Since S Ltd. has indemnified for Rs. 1 cr., H Ltd. shall recognise an indemnification asset at the same

            time for Rs. 1cr.
            As per the information given in the question, this indemnified asset is not taxable. Hence, its tax base
            will be equal to its carrying amount. No deferred tax will arise on it.
        iii)  As per Ind AS 103, non-current assets held for sale should be measured at fair value less cost to sell in
            accordance with Ind AS 105 ―Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations‖. Therefore, its

            carrying value as per balance sheet has been considered in the calculation of net assets.
        iv)  Any equity interest in S Ltd. held by H Ltd. immediately before obtaining control over S Ltd. is adjusted
            to acquisition-date fair value. Any resulting gain or loss is recognised in the profit or loss of H Ltd.

        Calculation of purchase consideration as per Ind AS 103

                        Investment in S Ltd.
                        Particulars                  %            Calculation         Rs. In lakh
                        On 1stNov. 20X6             15%      [(12/100) x 395 x 15%]       7.11
                        On 1stJan. 20X7             45%
                        Own equity given                    10,000 x 12% x 45% x 1/2      270
                        Cash                                                              50
                        Contingent consideration                                          22

        v) Calculation of deferred tax on assets and liabilities acquired as part of the business combination,
           including current tax and goodwill.

                                  Item                                 Rs. in crore
                                                      Book    Fair   Tax  Taxable(dedu  Deferred tax
                                                     value   value   base    ctible)       assets
                                                                            temporary     (liability)
                                                                            difference     @30%
                    Property,   plant   and equipment   40    90     40        50           (15)
                    Intangible assets                  20     30     20         10          (3)
                    Investments                       100     350    100       250          (75)
                    Inventories                        20     20     20         -            -
                    Trade receivables                  20     20     20         -            -
                    Cash held in functional currency   4       4      4         -            -
                    Non-current asset  held for sale   4       4      4         -            -
                    Indemnified asset                  -       1      1         -            -
                    Borrowings                         20     20     20         -            -
                    Trade payables                    28      28     28         -            -
                    Provision for warranties           3       3      3         -            -
                    Current tax liabilities            4       4      4         -            -

                    Contingent liability                      0.5     -       (0.5)         0.15
                    Deferred tax Liability                                                (92.85)

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   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17