Page 9 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
P. 9

Intangible assets while determining Good-will / Bargain Purchase for the transaction:
        (i)  Patent owned by ABR Ltd.: The patent owned will be recognised at fair value by KK Ltd. even though it
            was  not  recognised  by  ABR  Ltd.  in  its  financial  statements.  The  patent  will  be  amortised  over  the

            remaining useful life of the asset i.e. 8 years. Since the company is awaiting the outcome of the trials,
            the value of the patent can-not be estimated at Rs. 15 crore and the extra Rs. 5 crore should only be
            disclosed as a Contingent Asset and not recognised.
        (ii) Patent  internally  developed  by  ABR  Ltd.:  Further  as  per  lnd  AS  38  ―Intangible  Assets‖,  after  initial
            recognition, an intangible asset shall be carried at revalued amount, being its fair value at the date of the

            revaluation  less  any  subsequent  accumulated  amortisation  and  any  subsequent  accumulated  impairment
            losses. For the purpose of revaluations under this Standard, fair value shall be determined by reference to
            an active market.
            From the information given in the question, it appears that there is no active market for patents since
            the fair value is based on early assessment of its sale success. Hence it is suggested to use the cost

            model and recognise the patent at the actual development cost of Rs. 12 crore.
        (iii) Grant  of  Licence  to  ABR  Ltd.  by  the  Government:  As  regards  to  the  five-year  licence,  Ind  AS  38
            requires to recognize grant assets at fair value. KK Ltd. can recognize both the asset (licence) and the
            grant at Rs10 crore to be amortised over 5 years.
            Hence the revised working would be as follows:.
                          Fair value of net assets of ABR Ltd.                   Rs 15 crore
                          Add: Patent (10 + 12)                                  Rs 22 crore
                          Add: Licence                                           Rs 10 crore
                          Less: Grant for Licence                                (Rs10 crore)
                                                                                 Rs 37 crores
                          Purchase Consideration                                Rs 35 crores
                          Bargain purchase                                       Rs 2 crore

        Q6. (RTP Nov. 19 & MTP March 19)

        H Ltd. acquired equity shares of S Ltd., a listed company, in two tranches as mentioned in the below table:
                             Date        Equity stake purchased              Remarks

                       1stNovember, 20X6          15%          The shares were purchased based on the
                                                               quoted price on the stock
                        1stJanuary, 20X7          45%          exchange on the relevant dates.

        Both the above-mentioned companies have Rupees as their functional currency. Consequently, H Ltd. acquired
        control over S Ltd.  on 1  January, 20X7.  Following is the Balance Sheet of S Ltd. as on that date:
                                         Particulars        Carrying value (Rs. in   Fair value (Rs.
                                                                   crore)           in crore)
                         Non-current assets
                         (a) Property, plant and equipment          40.0              90.0
                         (b) Intangible assets                      20.0              30.0
                         (c) Financial assets
                         - Investments                              100.0             350.0
                         Current assets
                                                                                                      16. 8
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14