Page 11 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
P. 11

On 1st January, 20X7, H Ltd. had paid Rs. 50 crore in cash to the selling shareholders of S Ltd. Additionally,
        on 31stMarch, 20X9, H Ltd. will pay Rs. 30 crore to the selling shareholders of S Ltd.  if return on equity of S
        Ltd. for the year ended 31stMarch, 20X9 is more than 25% per annum. H Ltd. has estimated the fair value of

        this obligation as on 1stJanuary, 20X7 and 31stMarch, 20X7 as Rs. 22 crore and Rs. 23 crore respectively. The
        change  in  fair  value  of  the  obligation  is  attributable  to  the  change  in  facts  and  circumstances  after  the
        acquisition date.
        Quoted price of equity shares of S on various dates is as follows:
        As on November 20X6 Rs. 350 per share

        As on 1st January, 20X7 Rs. 395 per share
        As on 31st March, 20X7 Rs. 420 per share
        On 31st May, 20X7, H Ltd. learned that certain customer relationships existing as on 1st January, 20X7, which
        met the recognition criteria of an intangible asset as on that date, were not considered during the accounting
        of business combination for the year ended 31st March, 20X7. The fair   value of such customer relationships

        as on 1st January, 20X7 was Rs. 3.5 crore (assume that there are no temporary differences associated with
        customer relations; consequently, there is no impact of income taxes on customer relations).
        On 31st May, 20X7 itself, H Ltd. further learned that due to additional customer relationships being developed
        during the period 1st January, 20X7 to 31st March, 20X7, the fair value of such customer relationships has
        increased to Rs. 4 crore as on 31st March, 20X7.
        On 31st December, 20X7, H Ltd. has established that it has obtained all the information necessary for the

        accounting of the business combination and that more information is not obtainable.
        H Ltd. and S Ltd. are not related parties and follow Ind AS for financial reporting. Income tax rate applicable
        is 30%.
        You  are  required  to  provide  your  detailed  responses to  the following,  along  with  reasoning  and  computation

        (a) What should be the goodwill or bargain purchase gain to be recognised by H Ltd. in its financial statements
           for the year ended 31st March, 20X7. For this purpose, measure non-controlling interest using proportionate
           share of the fair value of the identifiable net assets of S Ltd.
        (b) Will the amount of non-controlling interest, goodwill, or bargain purchase gain so recognised in (a) above
           change subsequent to 31st March, 20X7?  If yes, provide relevant journal entries.

        (c) What should be the accounting treatment of the contingent consideration as on 31st March,20X7?

        i)  An only exception to the principle of classification or designation of assets as they exist at the acquisition
            date is that for lease contract and insurance contracts classification which will be based on the basis of
            the conditions existing at inception and not on acquisition date. Therefore, H Ltd. would be required to
            retain  the  original  lease  classification  of  the  lease  arrangements  and  thereby  recognise  the  lease
            arrangements as finance lease.
        ii)  The requirements in Ind AS 37 ―Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets‖, do not apply in

            determining  which  contingent  liabilities  to  recognise  as  of  the  acquisition  date  as  per  Ind  AS  103
            ―Business  Combination‖.  Instead,  the  acquirer  shall  recognise  as  of  the  acquisition  date  a  contingent
            liability assumed in a business combination if it is a present obligation that arises from past events and
            its  fair  value  can  be  measured  reliably.  Therefore,  contrary  to  Ind  AS  37,  the  acquirer  recognises  a

            contingent liability assumed in a business combination at the acquisition date even if it is not probable
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