Page 73 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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financial statements of Group A immediately before the merger would now be a part of the separate financial
        statements  of  A  Ltd.  Accordingly,  it  would  be  appropriate  to  recognise  the  carrying  value  of  the  assets,
        liabilities and reserves pertaining to B Ltd as appearing in the consolidated financial statements of A Ltd.

        Q30. (Nov. 20)

        P  Limited  and  S  Limited  are  in  the  business  of  manufacturing  garments.  P  Limited  holds  30%  of  equity
        shares  of  S  Limited  for the  last  several  years.  P  Limited  obtains  control  of  S  Limited  when  it  acquires  a
        further 65% stake of S Limited's shares, thereby resulting in a total holding of 95% on December 31", 2019.
        The acquisition had the following features.
        i)   P Limited transfers cash of ₹ 50,00,000 and issues 90,000 shares on December 31 , 2019. The market
             price of P Limited's shares on the date of issue was ₹ 10 per share. The equity shares issued as per this
             transaction will comprise 5% of the post-acquisition capital of P Limited.
        ii)  P Limited agrees to pay additional consideration of ₹ 4,00,000, if the cumulative profits of S Limited
             exceeds ₹ 40,00,000 over the next two years. At the acquisition date, it is not considered probable that
             extra consideration will be paid. The fair value of contingent consideration is determined to be ₹ 2,00,000
             at the acquisition date.

        iii)  P Limited spent acquisition-related costs of ₹ 2,00,000.
        iv)  The fair value of the NCI is determined to be ₹ 5,00,000 at the acquisition date based on Market price.
             P Limited decided to measure non-controlling interest at fair value for this transaction.
        v)  P  Limited  has  owned  30%  of  the  shares  in  S  Limited  for  several  years.  On  December  31   2019,  the
             investment  was  included  in  P  Limited‖s  consolidated  balance  sheet  at  ₹  8,00,000.  The  fair  value  of
             previous holdings, accounted for using the equity method, arrived at ₹ 18,00,000.
        The  fair  value  of S  Limited's  net  identifiable  assets  at  December  31 ,  2019  is  ₹  45,00,000,  determined  in
        accordance with Ind AS 103.
        Analyse the transaction and determine the accounting under acquisition method for the business combination
        by P Limited.

        Identify the acquirer

        In this case, P Limited has paid cash consideration to shareholders of S Limited. Further, the shares issued
        to S Limited pursuant to the acquisition do not transfer control of P Limited to erstwhile shareholders of S
        Limited. Therefore, P Limited is the acquirer and S Limited is the acquirer.
        Determine acquisition date
        As the control over the business of S Limited is transferred to P Limited on 31 December 2019, that date is

        considered as the acquisition date.
        Determine the purchase consideration
        The purchase consideration in this case will comprise of the following:
                         Cash consideration                                        ₨.50,00,000
                         Equity shares issued (90,000 x 10 i.e., at fair value)     ₨.9,00,000

                         Contingent consideration (at fair value)                   ₨.2,00,000
                         Fair value of previously held interest                    ₨.18,00,000
                         Total purchase consideration                              ₨.79,00,000
        Acquisition cost incurred by and on behalf of P Limited for acquisition of S Limited should be recognised in
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