Page 78 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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        Calculation of Big Ltd.’s interest in Dig Ltd at the year ended 31  March, 2020 as per Equity method:
                                                                                   Amount (Rs.)
                         Cost of investment (35%)                                     3,00,000
                         Share in profit after adjustment (Refer Working Note)        30,625
                         Dividend received by Big Ltd from Dig Ltd (35% x Rs. 11,000)   (3,850)

                         Big  Ltd.‖s  share  of  loss  in  OCI  w.r.t  Dig  Ltd.‖s  loss  from   (5,250)
                         remeasurement of defined benefit liability (35% x Rs. 15,000)

                         Big Ltd.’s interest in Dig Ltd at the end of the year        3,21,525
        Working Note:
        Computation of Share in profit after adjustment
                                                                                    Amount (Rs.)

                         Big Ltd.‖s share of Dig Ltd.‖s after tax profit (35% x Rs. 1,00,000)   35,000
                         Less: Big Ltd.‖s share of depreciation based on fair value
                                 (35% x Rs. 12,500*)                                  (4,375)
                         Share in profit after adjustment                              30,625
         *depreciation on upward revaluation = 1,00,000 / 8 = 12,500

        Q33. (July. 21) – (Similar to Q19)
        Given below are the balance sheets of a group of companies comprising LX Limited, MX Limited and NX
        Limited as on 31st March 2021:                                             Rs in lakh
                                Particulars             LX Limited  MX Limited  NX Limited
                   Non-current Assets
                   Property, Plant and Equipment           1,500      1,600        1,400
                       17.0 lakh share in MX Limited      2,620         -            -
                       9.6 lakh shares in NX Limited        -         1,350          -
                   Current Assets
                   Inventories                            1,230        730         1,180
                   Financial Assets
                       Trade Receivables                   1,415       270         620
                       Bills Receivables                   650         60            -
                       Cash in hand and at Bank           1,085        90           150
                                                          8,500       4,100        3,350
                  Equity and Liabilities
                   Shareholders' Equity
                       Share Capital (Rs 100 per share)   3,400       2,000        1,600
                       Other Equity
                           Reserves                        1,150       810         580
                           Retained earnings               1,030       600          310
                   Current Liabilities
                   Financial Liabilities
                       Trade Payables                     2,920        690         805
                                                                                                    16. 77
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83