Page 76 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
P. 76

         1.   Since the question required not to prepare Notes to Account, the column of Note to Accounts had not
              been drawn.

         2.  It is assumed that shares were issued during the year 2018-2019 and entries are yet to be made.

        Working Notes:
        1.   Calculation of purchase consideration at the acquisition date i.e. 1  April, 2017
                                                                                    Rs. in 000s

                           Payment made by A Ltd. to S Ltd.
                           Cash                                                       1,000.00
                           Equity shares (2,00,000 shares x Rs. 1.80)                 360.00

                           Present value of deferred consideration (Rs. 5,00,000 x 0.75)   375.00
                           Total consideration                                       1,735.00
       2.  Calculation of net assets i.e. net worth at the acquisition date i.e. 1st April, 2017
                                                                                 Rs. in 000s

                            Share capital of S Ltd.                                500.00
                            Reserves of S Ltd.                                     125.00

                            Fair value increase on Property, Plant and Equipment   200.00
                            Net worth on acquisition date                          825.00
        3.  Calculation of Goodwill at the acquisition date i.e. 1 st April, 2017 and 31st March, 2019
                                                                                     Rs. in 000s

                          Purchase consideration (W.N.1)                              1,735.00
                          Non-controlling interest at fair value (as given in the question)   380.00

                          Less: Net worth (W.N.2)                                     (825.00)
                          Goodwill as on 1st April 2017                               1,290.00
                          Less: Impairment (as given in the question)                  258.00
                          Goodwill as on 31st March 2019                              1,032.00

         4.  Calculation of Property, Plant and Equipment as on 31st March 2019
                                                                                         Rs. in 000s
                  A Ltd.                                                                  5,500.00
                  S Ltd.                                                  1,500.00

                  Add: Net fair value gain not recorded yet   200.00
                  Less: Depreciation [(200/5) x 2]           (80.00)      120.00          1,620.00


        5.  Calculation of Post-acquisition gain (after adjustment of impairment on goodwill) and value of
             NCI as on 31st March 2019
                                                                           Rs. In 000s Rs. in 000s
                                                                             NCI       A Ltd.
                                                                            (20%)      (80%)
                           Acquisition date balance                         380.00       Nil
                                                                                                    16. 75
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81