Page 11 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
P. 11

B. Construction  Unlikely   to   be Construction services and building materials can meet the first
                 services and      separate PO    criterion  as  they  are  items  that  can  be  used  in  conjunction
                   building                       with other readily available goods or services.
                                                  However, the developer would be considered to be providing a
                                                  significant integration service as it is bringing together all the
                                                  separate elements to deliver a complete building.
                   C. & D.     Likely to be separate  Property  management  services  and  golf  membership  are  likely
                   Property            PO         to be separate performance obligations as they may be used in
                 management                       isolation or with the property already acquired, i.e., management
                 services and                     services can be used with the property. These types of services
                     Golf                         are not significantly customized, integrated with, or dependent
                 membership                       on  the  property.  This  is  because  there  is  no  change  in  their
                                                  function  with  or  without  the  property.  Also,  a  property
                                                  management service could be undertaken by a third party.
                   E. & F.       Analysis required   Items such as car parks and land entitlements generally meet
                 Car park and                     the  first  criterion  –  i.e.,  capable  of  being  distinct  –  as  the
                    Land                          buyer benefits from them on their own.
                                                  Whether the second criterion is met depends on the facts and
                                                  circumstances. For example, if the land entitlement can be sold
                                                  separately  or  pledged  as  security  as  a  separate  item,  it  may
                                                  indicate that it is not highly dependent on, or integrated with,
                                                  other rights received in the contract. In an apartment scenario,
                                                  the customer can receive an undivided interest in the land on
                                                  which the apartment block sits. This type of right is generally
                                                  considered as highly interrelated with the apartment itself. *
        *However,  if  title  to  the  land  is  transferred  to  the  buyer  separately  –  for  example  in  a  single  party
        development – then the separately identifiable criterion may be met.

        PS:  Other  facts  and  circumstances  of  each  contract  should  also  be  carefully  examined  to  determine
        performance obligations.

        Q10. (NOV 21)

        Prime Ltd. is a technology company and regularly sells Software S, Hardware H and Accessory A. The stand-
        alone selling prices for these items are stated below:
        Software S – Rs. 50,000 Hardware H – Rs.1,00,000 and Accessory A – Rs. 20,000.
        Since the demand for Hardware H and Accessory A is low, Prime Ltd. sells H and A together at Rs. 100,000.

        Prime Ltd. enters into a contract with Zeta Ltd. to sell all the three items for a consideration of Rs.1,50,000.
        What will be the accounting treatment for the discount in the financial statements of Prime Ltd., considering
        that the  three  items  are  three  different  performance  obligations  which  are  satisfied  at  different points  in
        time? Further, what would be the accounting treatment if Prime Ltd. would have transferred the control of
        Hardware H and Accessory A at the same point in time.

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