Page 12 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
P. 12


        Paragraph 82 of Ind AS 115 states that, “An entity shall allocate a discount entirely to one or more, but not
        all, performance obligations in the contract if all of the following criteria are met:
        (a)  the entity regularly sells each distinct good or service (or each bundle of distinct goods or services) in
             the contract on a stand-alone basis;

        (b) the entity also regularly sells on a stand-alone basis a bundle (or bundles) of some of those distinct
             goods or services at a discount to the stand-alone selling prices of the goods or services in each bundle;
        (c)  the discount attributable to each bundle of goods or services is substantially the same as the discount in
             the contract and an analysis of the goods or services in each bundle provides observable evidence of the

             performance  obligation  (or  performance  obligations)  to  which  the  entire  discount  in  the  contract
        In the given case, the contract includes a discount of Rs. 20,000 on the overall transaction, which should have
        been allocated proportionately to all three performance obligations when allocating the transaction price using
        the  relative  stand-alone  selling  price  method.  However,  as  Prime  Ltd.  meets  all  the  criteria  specified  in
        paragraph 82 above, i.e., it regularly sells Hardware H and Accessory A together for Rs. 1,00,000 and Software

        S for Rs. 50,000, accordingly, it is evident that the entire discount should be allocated to the promises to
        transfer Hardware H and Accessory A.
        In the given case, since the contract requires the entity to transfer control of Hardware H and Accessory A at
        different  points in time,  then  the  allocated  amount  of  Rs.  1,00,000  should  be  individually  allocated  to  the

        promises  to transfer  Hardware  H  (stand-alone  selling  price of Rs.  1,00,000)  and  Accessory  A  (stand-alone
        selling price of Rs.20,000)

                                       Product                 Allocated transaction price (Rs.)
                                     Hardware H               83,333 (1,00,000/ 120,000 x 100,000)
                                     Accessory A                16,667 (20,000/120,000 x 100,000)
                                        Total                              1,00,000

        However, if Prime Ltd. would have transferred the control of Hardware H and Accessory A at the same point
        in time, then the Prime Ltd. could, as a practical matter, account for the  transfer of those products as a
        single performance obligation. That is, Prime Ltd. could allocate Rs. 1,00,000 of the transaction price to the
        single  performance  obligation  and  recognize  revenue  of  Rs.  1,00,000  when  Hardware  H  and  Accessory  A

        simultaneously transfer to Zeta Ltd.

        Q11 (Nov. 22)

        A Ltd. owns 20 resorts across India. Every customer who stays in any of the resorts owned by A Ltd. is
        entitled to get points on the basis of total amount paid by him. Under this scheme, 1 point is granted for

        every Rs. 100 spent for stay in the resort. As per the past experience of A Ltd., the likelihood of exercise of
        the points is 100% and the standalone price of each such point is Rs. 5. Customer X spends Rs. 10,000 in one

        of the resorts of A Ltd. What is the accounting treatment for the points granted by A Ltd.?

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