Page 15 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
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D. Revenue from two years‖ service period should be recognised over the 2-year period on monthly basis ie on
        31st March, 2017 revenue for two years‖ service period will be Rs. 5,625 (Rs. 1,35,000/24 months)

        E. Amount of two years’ service period due within 12 months from the reporting date = (1,35,000 / 24
        months) x 12 months = Rs. 67,500 (Current).

        Amount  of  two  years’  service  period  due  after  12  months  from  the  reporting  date  =  (1,35,000  /  24
        months) x 11 months = Rs. 61,875 (Non-current).

        Q13. (MARCH 19)
        An entity enters into a contract with a customer for two intellectual property licenses (Licenses A and B),
        which the entity determines to represent two performance obligations each satisfied at a point in time. The
        stand-alone selling prices of Licences A and B are Rs. 1,600,000 and Rs. 2,000,000, respectively. The entity

        transfers Licence B at inception of the contract and transfers Licence A one month later.

        Case A — Variable consideration allocated entirely to one performance obligation
        The  price  stated  in the  contract  for  Licence  A  is  a  fixed  amount  of  Rs.  1,600,000  and  for  Licence  B  the

        consideration is three per cent of the customer's future sales of products that use Licence B. For purposes of
        allocation, the entity estimates its sales-based royalties (ie the variable consideration) to be Rs. 2,000,000.
        Allocate the transaction price.

        Case B—Variable consideration allocated on the basis of stand-alone selling prices
        The  price  stated  in  the  contract  for  Licence  A  is  a  fixed  amount  of  Rs.  600,000  and  for  Licence  B  the

        consideration  is  five  per  cent  of  the  customer's  future  sales  of  products  that  use  Licence  B.  The  entity's
        estimate of the sales-based royalties (i.e. the variable consideration) is Rs.3,000,000. Allocate the transaction
        price and determine the revenue to be recognised for each license and the contract liability, if any.

                     Case A—Variable consideration allocated entirely to one performance obligation
         To allocate the transaction price, the entity considers the criteria in paragraph 85 and concludes that the
         variable  consideration  (i.e.  the  sales-based  royalties)  should  be  allocated  entirely to  Licence  B.  The  entity

         concludes that the criteria are met for the following reasons:
        (a) The  variable  payment  relates  specifically  to  an  outcome  from  the  performance  obligation  to  transfer
            Licence B (i.e. the customer's subsequent sales of products that use License B).
        (b) allocating  the  expected  royalty  amounts  of  Rs.  2,000,000  entirely  to  Licence  B  is  consistent  with  the
            allocation objective in paragraph 73 of Ind AS 115. This is because the entity's estimate of the amount of

            sales-based royalties (Rs. 2,000,000) approximates the stand-alone selling price of Licence B and the fixed
            amount of Rs. 1,600,000 approximates the stand-alone selling price of Licence A. The entity allocates Rs.
            1,600,000 to Licence A. This is because, based on an assessment of the facts and circumstances relating
            to both licences, allocating to Licence B some of the fixed consideration in addition to all of the variable
            consideration would not meet the allocation objective in paragraph 73 of Ind AS 115.
            The entity transfers Licence B at inception of the contract and transfers LicenceA one month later. Upon

            the transfer of Licence B, the entity does not recognise revenue because the consideration allocated to
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