Page 10 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
P. 10

Q9. (MAY 21)

        A property sale contract includes the following:
            A)  Common areas
            B)  Construction services and building material
            C)  Property management services

            D)  Golf membership
            E)  Car park
            F)  Land entitlement
        Analyze  whether  the  above  items  can  be  considered  as  separate  performance  obligations  as  per  the
        requirements of Ind AS 115?

        Ind  AS  115  provides  that  at  contract  inception,  an  entity  evaluates  the  promised  goods  or  services  to
        determine which goods or services (or bundle of goods or services) are distinct and therefore constitute a

        performance obligation.
        A performance obligation is a promise in a contract to transfer to the customer either:
        ●    a good or service (or a bundle of goods or services) that is distinct; and
        ●    series of distinct goods or services that are substantially the same and that have the same pattern of

             transfer to the customer.
        As per Ind AS 115, a good or service that is promised to a customer i s distinct if both of the following
        criteria are met:
        (a)  the customer can benefit from the good or service either on its own or together with other resources
             that are readily available to the customer (i.e. the good or service is capable of being distinct); and
        (b)  The entity‖s promise to transfer the goods or service to the customer is separately identifiable from

             other promises in the contract (i.e. the promise to transfer the goods or service is distinct within the
             context of the contract).
        Each performance obligation is required to be accounted for separately.
        Based  on  the  above  guidance,  the  following  table  discusses  whether  the  common  goods  and  services  in
        property sale contract should be considered as separate performance obligation or not:

                 Goods/Service  Whether a separate                        Reason
                                obligation (PO) or
                  A. Common    Unlikely   to   be Common  areas  are  unlikely  to  be  a  separate  performance
                    areas          separate PO    obligation because the interests received in common areas are
                                                  typically  undivided  interests  that  are  not  separable  from  the
                                                  property itself.

                                                  However,  if  the  common  areas  were  sold  separately  by  the
                                                  developer,  then  they  could  be  considered  as  a  separate
                                                  performance  obligation  provided  that  it  is  distinct  in  the
                                                  context of the contract.

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