Page 17 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
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is  the  method  that  the  entity  expects  to  better  predict  the  amount  of  consideration  to  which  it  will  be
        entitled. Using the expected value method, the entity estimates that 970 products will not be returned. The
        entity estimates that the costs of recovering the products will be immaterial and expects that the returned

        products can be resold at a profit. Determine the amount of revenue, refund liability and the asset to be
        recognised by the entity for the said contracts.

            ●  The entity considers the requirements of Ind AS 115 on constraining estimates of variable consideration
               to determine whether the estimated amount of variable consideration of Rs. 48,500 (Rs. 50 × 970
               products not expected to be returned) can be included in the transaction price.
            ●  The entity considers the factors of Ind AS 115 and determines that although the returns are outside

               the entity's influence, it has significant experience in estimating returns for this product and customer
               class. In addition, the uncertainty will be resolved within a short time frame (ie the 30-day return
        Thus, the entity concludes that it is highly probable that a significant reversal in the cumulative amount of
        revenue recognised (i.e. Rs. 48,500) will not occur as the uncertainty is resolved (i.e. over the return period).

            ●  The entity estimates that the costs of recovering the products will be immaterial and expects that the
               returned products can be resold at a profit.
            ●  Upon  transfer  of  control  of  the  1,000  products,  the  entity  does  not  recognise  revenue  for  the  30
               products that it expects to be returned. Consequently, in accordance with paragraphs 55 and B21 of

               Ind AS 115, the entity recognises the following:
          (a) revenue of Rs. 48,500 (Rs. 50 × 970 products not expected to be returned);
          (b) a refund liability of Rs. 1,500 (Rs. 50 refund × 30 products expected to be returned); and
          (c) an asset of Rs. 900 (Rs. 30 × 30 products for its right to recover products from customers on settling
              the refund liability).

        Q15.  (MAY 20)
        An entity enters into a contract for the sale of Product A for Rs. 1,000. As part of the contract, the entity

        gives the customer a 40% discount voucher for any future purchases up to Rs. 1,000 in the next 30 days. The
        entity intends to offer a 10% discount on all sales during the next 30 days as part of a seasonal promotion.
        The 10% discount cannot be used in addition to the 40% discount voucher.
        The entity believes there is 80% likelihood that a customer will redeem the voucher and on an average, a
        customer will purchase Rs. 500 of additional products.

        Determine  how  many  performance  obligations  does  the  entity  have  &  their  stand-alone  selling  price  and
        allocated transaction price?

        Since  all customers  will receive  a  10%  discount  on  purchases  during the next  30  days,  the only additional
        discount that provides the customer with a material right is the incremental discount of 30% on the products
        purchased. The entity accounts for the promise to provide the incremental discount as a separate performance
        obligation in the contract for the sale of Product A.
        The entity believes there is 80% likelihood that a customer will redeem the voucher and on an average, a

        customer will purchase Rs. 500 of additional products. Consequently, the entity‖s estimated stand-alone selling
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