Page 15 - 21. COMPILER QB - INDAS 33
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Convertible Preference Shares   72,900    15,000
                                                  2,37,900     71,150    3.344        Anti-Dilutive

        Since diluted earnings per share is increased when taking the convertible preference shares into account (Rs.
        2.939 to Rs. 3.344), the convertible preference shares are anti- dilutive and are ignored in the calculation of

        diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31 March 2020. Therefore, diluted earnings per share for the
        year ended 31 March 2020 is Rs. 2.939.

        Working Note:

        Calculation of incremental earnings per share and allocation of rank

                                                          Increase in   Increase in   Earnings per   Rank
                                                           earnings    number of     incremental
                                                              (1)     equity shares  Share (3) = (1)
                                                                          (2)           ÷ (2)

                                                              Rs.                        Rs.
                 Increase in earnings                         Nil

                 No.  of  incremental  shares  issued  for  no
                 consideration                                            150            Nil        1
                 [900 x (90-75)/90]

                 Convertible Preference Shares
                 Increase  in  net  profit  attributable  to  equity   72,900
                 shareholders  as  adjusted  by  attributable

                 dividend tax *
                 [(Rs. 9 x 7,500) + 8% (Rs. 9 x 7,500)]
                 No. of incremental shares (2 x 7,500)                   15,000         4.86        3

                 10% Convertible Debentures
                 Increase in net profit                     75,000
                 [(Rs. 10,00,000 x 10% x (1 – 0.25)]

                 No. of incremental shares (10,000 x 4)                  40,000         1.875       2

        Note: Grossing up of preference share dividend has been ignored here. At present dividend distribution tax has

        been abolished. However, the question has been solved on the basis of the information given in the question.

        Increase in earnings for equity holders = saving due to non payment to preference shareholders (net of tax)

        = 9 x 7,500 = 67,500 - 8% = 62,100
        Incremental no. of shares = 15,000
        Hence, Incremental EPS = 4.14

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