Page 13 - 21. COMPILER QB - INDAS 33
P. 13


        The EPS computations for Year 1  as per Ind AS 33 are as follows.

             Basic EPS                            Diluted EPS
             1.   Determine  the  numerator       1.   Identify   Potential   Ordinary   Shares (POSs)
                 No  adjustment  is  necessary  until  the   The convertible  bonds  are  the  only  POSs.
                 convertible  bonds  are  converted  and
                 ordinary  shares  are  issued.  The
                 numerator  is  net  profit  ie.
                 Rs. 46,00,000.
             2.   Determine  the  denominator     2.   For each POS, calculate Earnings per Incremental Share (EPIS)
                 There  is  no  change  in  the  number  of   Since Zio Life Limited has the choice of settlement, for the purpose of
                 outstanding  shares  during  the  year.  The   determining the EPIS, it assumes the share-settlement assumption.
                 denominator is therefore 30,00,000.   Potential adjustment to the numerator for EPIS:
                                                      The  convertible  bonds,  when  settled  in  ordinary  shares,  would  increase
                                                      profit  or  loss  for  the  year  by  the  post-tax  amount  of  the  interest
                                                      (Interest expense  on  the  convertible  bonds) x (1 - income tax rate) =
                                                      (Rs. 1,800)  x  (1  -  40%)  =  Rs. 1,080
                                                      Potential adjustment to the denominator for EPIS:
                                                      The convertible bonds, when settled in ordinary shares, would increase
                                                      the number of outstanding shares by 2,00,000 (20,00,000 / 10).
                                                      EPIS is calculated as follows:
                                                      EPIS = 1,080 / 2,00,000 = 0.01
             3.   Determine basic EPS             3.   Rank the POSs
                 Basic EPS = 46,00,000 / 30,00,000    This  step  does  not apply,  because  the
                 = 1.53                               convertible  bonds  are  the  only  class  of POSs.
                                                  4.   Identify  dilutive  POSs  and  determine diluted EPS
                                                      The  potential  impact  of  convertible  bonds  is determined as follows. (Refer
                                                      W.N. below)
                                                  Accordingly, Zio  Life  Limited includes  the  impact of the convertible bonds in
                                                  diluted EPS.
                                                  Diluted  EPS  =  Rs. 1.44

        Working Note:
               Calculation of Diluted EPS

                                         Earnings (Rs.)   Weighted average   Per Share (Rs.)   Dilutive?
                                                       number  of shares
                     Basic EPS               46,00,000          30,00,000            1.53
                     Convertible  bonds         1,080            2,00,000
                     Total                   46,01,080          32,00,000            1.44        Yes

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