Page 11 - 21. COMPILER QB - INDAS 33
P. 11

20X1-20X2. Find out the number of shares for the purpose of calculation of basic EPS.

                  S. No.        Date                           Particulars                    Number of
                    1        1-Apr-20X1    Opening balance of outstanding equity shares        1,00,000

                    2       15-Jun-20X1    Issue of equity shares                               75,000
                    3        8-Nov-20X1    Conversion of convertible preference shares in Equity   50,000
                    4       22-Feb-20X2    Buyback of shares                                   (20,000)

                    5       31-Mar-20X2    Closing balance of outstanding equity shares        205,000

        As per para 20 of Ind AS 33, Earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding

        during the period reflects the possibility that the amount of shareholders’ capital varied during the period as a
        result of a larger or smaller number of shares being outstanding at any time. The weighted average number of

        ordinary shares outstanding during the period is the number of ordinary shares outstanding at the beginning of
        the period, adjusted by the number of ordinary shares bought back or issued during the period multiplied by a

        time-weighting factor. The time weighting factor is the number of days that the shares are outstanding as a
        proportion of the total number of days in the period; a reasonable approximation of the weighted average is

        adequate in many circumstances.

        The weighted average number of shares is calculated as follows:

        Number of shares x (number of days the shares were held during the year / 365)

        Following the above formula, the weighted average number of shares for calculation of EPS for the year
        20X1-20X2 will be as follows:
               Sr.     Date                  Particulars              No of     No of days      Weighted

              No.                                                    shares     shares were    average no of
                                                                                outstanding       shares

               1     1 April 20X1  Opening  balance  of  outstanding  equity  1,00,000
                                 shares                                             365          1,00,000
               2    15 June 20X1  Issue of equity shares             75,000         290           59,589
               3    8 November  Conversion of  convertible   preference

                        20X1     shares in Equity                    50,000         144           19,726
               4    22 February  Buy back of shares
                       20X2                                         (20,000)       (38)*         (2,082)

               5  31 March 20X2 Closing  balance  of  outstanding  equity
                                 shares                             2,05,000                     1,77,233
        *These shares had already been considered in the shares issued. The same has been deducted assuming that

        the bought back shares have been extinguished immediately.

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