Page 10 - 21. COMPILER QB - INDAS 33
P. 10

Q7. (OCT 19 – 5 Marks)

        Mittal Motors  Limited  is  preparing financials  for the  year  ended March 31,  20X2.  The  Company  had  some

        queries in preparation of certain data that is required to be presented in the financials. As the retainer of the
        Company, please advise the company for the following issues:

        (i) Mittal Motors has issued 10,00,000 numbers of 9% cumulative preference shares. The Company has arrears
        of  Rs.  15  crores  of  preference  dividend  as  on March 31,  20X2,  it  includes  current  year  arrears  of  Rs.  1.75

        crores.  The  Company  did  not  declare  any  dividend  for  equity  shareholders  as  well  as  for  preference
        shareholders. What is the amount of dividend to be reduced from profit or loss for the year for calculating

        basic Earnings Per Share?
        (ii) Further Mittal Motors has also issued certain convertible debentures, which are outstanding as at the year

        end. For the purpose of computation of weighted average number of shares (to arrive at diluted EPS) when

        should the dilutive potential shares be deemed to have been converted into shares?
        A.  At the start of the period.
        B.  The date of issue of the potential shares

        C.  At the start of the period or, if later, the date of the issue of the potential shares

        D.  At the end of the period.


        (i) As per Ind AS 33 “Earnings per share”, “The after-tax amount of preference dividends that is deducted
        from  profit  or  loss  is  the  after-tax  amount  of  the  preference  dividends  for  cumulative  preference  shares

        required for the period, whether or not the dividends have been declared. The amount of preference dividends
        for the period does not include the amount of any preference dividends for cumulative preference shares paid

        or declared during the current period in respect of previous periods”.
        In the given case, the amount of preference dividends Rs.1.75 crores declared for the year ended March 31,

        20X2 (i.e., the current period) is to be deducted from profit or loss for calculating EPS.

        (ii) As per para 36 of Ind AS 33 “Earnings per share’, “For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per
        share,  the  number  of  ordinary  shares  shall  be  the  weighted  average  number  of  ordinary  shares  plus  the

        weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on the conversion of all the dilutive potential

        ordinary shares into ordinary shares. Dilutive potential ordinary shares shall be deemed to have been converted
        into ordinary shares at the beginning of the period or, if later, the date of the issue of the potential ordinary

        Q8. (MAY 20 – 4 Marks)

        Explain why weighted average number of shares is used in the calculation of earnings per share and how it is

        Following is the data for company XYZ in respect of the number of equity shares during the financial year
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