Page 14 - 21. COMPILER QB - INDAS 33
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        Q11. (NOVEMBER 20)

        The following information is available relating to Space India Limited for the Financial Year 2019-20.

                            Net profit attributable to equity shareholders          ₹ 90,000
                            No. of equity shares outstanding                        16,000
                            Average fair value of one equity share during the year   ₹ 90
        Potential Ordinary Shares:

                            Options            900 options with exercise price of  ₹ 75
                   Convertible Preference Shares   7,500 shares entitled to a cumulative dividend of ₹ 9 per share.
                                               Each preference share is convertible into 2 equity shares.
                   Applicable corporate dividend   8%
                  10% Convertible Debentures of   ₹  10,00,000  and  each  debenture  is  convertible  into  4  equity
                          ₹ 100 each           shares
                            Tax rate           25%
        You are required to compute Basic and Diluted EPS of the company for the Financial Year 2019-20.

       i.  Basic Earnings per share
                                                                                          Year ended

                     Net profit attributable to equity shareholders          (A)          Rs. 90,000
                     Number of Equity shares outstanding                     (B)            16,000
                     Earnings per share                                      (A/B)        Rs. 5.625

       ii.   Diluted earnings per share
        Options are most dilutive as their earnings per incremental share is nil. Hence, for the purpose of computation

        of diluted earnings per share, options will be considered first. 10% convertible debentures being second most
        dilutive will be considered next and thereafter convertible preference shares will be considered (as per W.N.).

                                                 Net profit   No. of   Net Profit
                                                attributable   equity  attributable
                                                  to equity   shares   per share

                                                shareholders              Rs.

                    Net profit attributable to equity   90,000   16,000   5.625
                    Options                                     150
                                                   90,000     16,150     5.572          Dilutive

                    10% Convertible debentures     75,000     40,000
                                                  1,65,000    56,150     2.939          Dilutive

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