Page 16 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 16

The amortised cost calculation at 1st April, 20X1 is as follows:
                           Period          Carrying       Interest     Cash          Carrying
                                          amount at       at 5%       inflow        amount at
                                           1st April                                 31st March
                           20X1-20X2       4,32,000       21,600          –           4,53,600
                           20X2-20X3       4,53,600       22,680          –           4,76,280
                           20X3-20X4       4,76,280       23,720*    (5,00,000)          –

        *Difference of Rs. 94 (Rs. 23,814 – Rs. 23,720) is due to approximation.
        On 31st March, 20X3, the carrying amount of the loan receivable is Rs. 4,76,280.
        As  a  result  of  that  modification,  on  31st  March,  20X3,  the  present  value  of  estimated  cash  flows  is
        recalculated  to  be  Rs.  2,05,750  using  the  asset’s  original  effective  interest  rate  of  5%  (Rs.  2,50,000  ÷

        An impairment loss of Rs. 2,70,530 (Rs. 4,76,280 – Rs. 2,05,750) is recognised in profit or loss in the year
        The carrying amount of the loan receivable may be reduced directly, as follows:
                                                                             Rs.         Rs.
                          Profit or loss - impairment loss       Dr.       2,70,530

                               To Loan receivable                                      2,70,530
                          (Being impairment loss recognised)

        In this case, the loan receivable will be measured at Rs. 2,05,750 at 31st March, 20X3. The revised amortised
        cost calculation at 1st April, 20X3 is as follows:
                          Period          Carrying     Interest at 5%    Cash inflow    Carrying
                                         amount at       (the original                 amount at
                                          1st April       effective                   31st March
                                                        interest rate)
                          20X3-20X4       2,05,750         10,288             –         2,16,038
                          20X4-20X5       2,16,038         10,802             –        2,26,840
                          20X5-20X6       2,26,840         11,342             –        2,38,182
                          20X6-20X7       2,38,182          11,818        (2,50,000)       –

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