Page 12 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 12

31 March 20X2
        Subsequently at the end of the reporting period, financial guarantee is measured at the higher of:

         -  the amount of loss allowance; and
         -  the amount initially recognised less cumulative amortization, where appropriate.
        At 31 March 20X2, there is 1% probability that Moon Limited may default on the loan in the next 12 months.
        If Moon Limited defaults on the loan, Sun Limited does not expect to recover any amount from Moon Limited.
        The 12-month expected credit losses are therefore Rs.10,000 (Rs.10,00,000 x 1%).
        The initial amount recognised less amortisation is Rs.51,385 (Rs.73,320 + Rs.8,065 (interest accrued based on

        EIR))  –  Rs.  30,000  (benefit  of  the  guarantee  in  year  1)  Refer  table  below.    The  unwound  amount  is
        recognised as income in the books of Sun Limited, being the benefit derived by Moon Limited not defaulting
        on the loan during the period.
                      Year    Opening balance    EIR @11%     Benefits provided Rs.   Closing balance

                                   Rs.                                                    Rs.
                       1          73,320           8,065            (30,000)             51,385
                       2          51,385           5,652            (30,000)             27,037
                       3          27,037           2,963*           (30,000)

        * Difference is due to approximation
        The carrying amount of the financial guarantee liability after amortisation is therefore Rs. 51,385, which is
        higher than the 12-month expected credit losses of Rs. 10,000. The liability is therefore adjusted to Rs.51,385

        (the higher of the two amounts) as follows:

                                       Particulars                     Debit (Rs.)      Credit (Rs.)
                    Financial guarantee (liability)             Dr.       21,935
                           To Profit or Loss                                               21,935

                    (Being financial guarantee subsequently adjusted)

        31 March 20X3
        On 31 March 20X3, there is 3% probability that Moon Limited will default on the loan in the next 12 months.
        If Moon Limited defaults on the loan, Sun Limited does not expect to recover any amount from Moon Limited.
        The 12-month expected credit losses are therefore Rs.30,000 (Rs.10,00,000 x 3%).
        The initial amount recognised less accumulated amortisation is Rs. 27,037, which is lower than the 12-month
        expected  credit  losses  (Rs.30,000).  The  liability  is  therefore  adjusted  to  Rs.30,000  (the  higher  of the  two

        amounts) as follows:
                                      Particulars                      Debit (Rs.)      Credit (Rs.)
                    Financial guarantee (liability)           Dr.        21,385*

                           To Profit or loss (Note)                                        21,385
                    (Being financial guarantee subsequently adjusted)
        * The carrying amount at the end of 31 March 20X2 = Rs. 51,385 less 12-month expected credit losses of

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