Page 11 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 11

To Equity – Retained earnings (Balance sheet)                       19,200       reversal
                  To  Preference  shares  (Long-term  Borrowings)  (Balance          5,47,200


        Q7 (May 21 & Newly Added in Latest ICAI Module for May22 Onwards)

        On 1 April 20X1, Sun Limited guaranteed a Rs. 10,00,000 loan of Subsidiary – Moon Limited, which Bank STDK
        has provided to Moon Limited for three years at 8%.
        Interest payments are made at the end of each year and the principal is repaid at the end of the loan term.
        If Sun Limited had not issued a guarantee, Bank STDK would have charged Moon Limited an interest rate of
        11%. Sun Limited does not charge Moon Limited for providing the guarantee.

        On  31  March  20X2,  there  is  1%  probability  that  Moon  Limited  may  default  on  the  loan  in  the  next  12
        months. If Moon Limited defaults on the loan, Sun Limited does not expect to recover any amount from Moon
         On  31  March  20X3,  there  is  3%  probability  that  Moon  Limited  may  default  on  the  loan  in  the  next  12
        months. If Moon Limited defaults on the loan, Sun Limited does not expect to recover any amount from Moon

        Provide the accounting treatment of financial guarantee as per Ind AS 109 in the books of Sun Ltd., on initial
        recognition and in subsequent periods till 31 March 20X3.

        1.  1 April 20X1
            A financial guarantee contract is initially recognised at fair value. The fair value of the guarantee will be
            the present value of the difference between the net contractual cash flows required under the loan, and

            the net contractual cash flows that would have been required without the guarantee
                              Particulars                      Year 1      Year 2    Year 3 (Rs.)   Total (Rs.)
                                                               (Rs.)       (Rs.)
           Cash flows based on interest rate of 11% (A)       1,10,000     1,10,000     1,10,000     3,30,000

           Cash flows based on interest rate of 8% (B)         80,000      80,000       80,000       2,40,000
           Interest rate differential (A-B)                    30,000      30,000       30,000        90,000
           Discount factor @ 11%                               0.901       0.812         0.731

           Interest rate differential discounted at 11%        27,030      24,360       21,930        73,320
           Fair  value  of  financial  guarantee  contract  (at
           inception)                                                                                 73,320

                                                      Journal Entry
                                         Particulars                      Debit (Rs.)    Credit (Rs.)
                    Investment in subsidiary               Dr.              73,320

                           To Financial guarantee(liability)                               73,320
                    (Being financial guarantee initially recorded)

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