Page 13 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 13

Q8 (November 21) – (Similar to Q1.)

        On 1st April, 20X1, PS Limited issued 6,000, 9% convertible debentures with a face value of Rs. 100 each
        maturing  on  31st  March,  20X6.  The  debentures  are  convertible  into  equity  shares  of  PS  Limited  at  a
        conversion  price  of  Rs.  105  per  share.  Interest  is  payable  annually  in  cash.  At  the  date  of  issue,  non-
        convertible debt could have been issued by the company at a coupon rate of 13%. On 1st April, 20X4, the

        convertible debentures have a fair value of Rs. 6,30,000. PS Limited makes a tender offer to debenture-
        holders to repurchase the debentures for Rs. 6,30,000 which the debenture holders accepted. At the date of
        repurchase, PS Limited could have issued non-convertible debt with a 2 years term bearing coupon interest
        @ 10%.
        Show accounting entries in the books of PS Limited for recording of equity and liability component:

         (i)      At the time of initial recognition
         (ii) At the time of repurchase of the convertible debentures

        At the time of initial recognition
                           Liability component

                           Present  value  of  5  yearly  interest  payments  of  Rs.  54,000,
                           discounted at 13% annuity (54,000 x 3.517)                 1,89,918
                           Present  value  of  Rs.  6,00,000  due  at  the  end  of  5  years,

                           discounted at 13%, compounded yearly (6,00,000 x 0.543)    3,25,800
                           Equity component

                           (Rs. 6,00,000 – Rs. 5,15,718)                              84,282
                           Total proceeds                                             6,00,000
        Note:  Since Rs 105 is the conversion price of debentures into equity shares and not the redemption price, the
        liability component is calculated @ Rs 100 each only.

                                                      Journal Entry
                                                                             Rs.         Rs.
                          Bank                                   Dr.        6,00,000

                               To 9% Debentures (Liability component)                  5,15,718
                               To 9% Debentures (Equity component)                     84,282
                          (Being debentures initially recorded at fair value)

        At the time of repurchase of convertible debentures
        The repurchase price is allocated as follows:
                                                           Carrying Value   Fair Value   Difference
                                                               @ 13%         @ 10%
                                                                Rs.            Rs.           Rs.

                     Liability component
                     Present  value  of  2  remaining  yearly
                     interest payments of Rs. 54,000,
                                                                                                      23. 12
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